Info, news & debate

Free online: 2024 revised and expanded edition of ‘The End of Money’
I read the first edition of this book around 12 years ago. It changed my life and put me on the path to where I am now – trying to build the commons economy. New 2024 edition, free online.

Move over #DeFi & #ReFi; hello #CoFi – collaborative finance for the commons
Matthew Slater reports on the first Collaborative Finance Gathering at the Commons Hub, Austria, May 22-28, 2023, where the concept of ‘co-fi’ was born.

Matthew Slater’s review of recent money news
Matthew Slater, co-author of the Credit Commons white paper, produces a biannual (usually!) roundup of money news he finds interesting. Here’s the latest.

How credit clearing can change the global monetary system: interview with Tomaž Fleischman of Informal Systems
Tom Woodroof of Lowimpact and Mutual Credit Services talks with Tomaž Fleischman of Informal Systems about credit clearing. We believe that credit clearing is one of the four crucial tools in building a new commons economy.

Matthew Slater’s money news roundup
Matthew Slater, co-author of the Credit Commons white paper, produces a biannual roundup of money news he finds interesting. Here’s the latest.

Matthew Slater’s review of recent money news
The Credit Commons protocol was written by Matthew Slater. It’s the ‘language’ that allows groups all over the world to connect and interact. It’s a bit like the rules of chess – it doesn’t matter what kind of chess pieces or board people are using, as long as they abide by the universally-accepted rules of chess, they can play together.

Review of Brett Scott’s ‘Cloud Money’
Review of Brett Scott’s ‘Cloud Money’, a ‘convoluted payments circuitry, tied together by institutions you cannot see, but who can see you’.

A brief history of money
Here’s a quick and dirty history of money. Since I’ve been involved in the mutual credit world, I’ve been reading various ‘history of money’ texts, and so I thought I’d organise the notes I’ve taken into a blog article. It’s a half-hour read, to accompany our new ‘Low-impact money’ topic, and I think it gives …

The Future of Money (Part 2): with Brett Scott
This is part 2 of a conversation with Brett Scott, author and specialist in the money system. Here’s his excellent YouTube channel, and I’ll add links to other things we talk about as well. Part 1 is here.

The Future of Money (Part 1): with Brett Scott
Today I’m talking with Brett Scott, author and specialist in the money system. Here’s his excellent YouTube channel, and I’ll add links to other things we talk about as well.

The exchange medium for the coronavirus crisis: crypto or mutual credit?
This is the third in a series of articles about how mutual credit can help us get through the economic problems caused by the corona virus. The main points to get across are: There’s going to be a shortage of money. Mutual credit is a moneyless trading system. That’s it! Mutual credit can help local …

Will Facebook’s Libra coin conquer the world?
In the wake of Facebook’s recent announcement, community currency engineer Matthew Slater asks if Libra coin is poised to conquer the world.

Why the future of money is mutual credit (and not Bitcoin): Interview with Thomas H Greco Jr.
Today I’m talking with Thomas Greco, who taught economics, finance and statistics for 14 years at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, and is now an activist and consultant working on alternatives to the current money system. He also wrote the End of Money and the Future of Civilisation. I came across this book …

How the viable system model (VSM) can help build a new economy: Trevor Hilder of Web of Wealth
Dave Darby interviews Trevor Hilder of Web of Wealth, who is a specialist in Stafford Beer’s viable system model (VSM).

Announcing the launch of – how to move away from multinational corporations
We’re pleased to announce the launch of – our sister site, dedicated to helping people move away from multinational corporations (MNCs) for everything they need.

Webinar: a non-techie’s adventures with cryptocurrencies – a step-by-step guide to setting up a wallet and trading in Litecoin
This is the first of a series of webinars on specific aspects of the money system and various alternatives to it.

We’re running a series of webinars on how we might change the money system – starting with cryptocurrencies
We’re determined to spread the word that any attempts to move towards a more sustainable and democratic world are doomed to failure if they don’t address the money system.

Low-impact strategy webinar: Can we change the world without changing money?
Understanding the money system is key to understanding how the world works, where power really lies, what the implications of that are and what we can do about it.

How much electricity does Bitcoin consume, and what are the alternatives?
When an idea grows far beyond its original conception, develops its own culture, factions & internal dynamics, and through implementation compromises with the real world, it can become the very enemy of what it first espoused.

Join our new online community Living Low Impact
We’re excited to introduce our new Facebook group Living Low Impact – and you’re invited!