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Commons economy


US bans pipeline, TransCanada sues US taxpayers for $15 billion. How TTIP will transfer wealth from taxpayers to corporations

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Investor-state dispute settlements (ISDS) have been around for over fifty years. Originally meant to protect investors from losses due to government actions – what may have seemed a good idea at the time has spiralled out of control

Read more about US bans pipeline, TransCanada sues US taxpayers for $15 billion. How TTIP will transfer wealth from taxpayers to corporations


Live from the Real Farming Conference: Equality in the Countryside – a rural manifesto

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I’m blogging from the Real Farming Conference in Oxford, in Oxford Town Hall. This is the seventh annual conference, set up as a counter to the corporate farming conference running at the university in Oxford. I wasn’t expecting such a huge affair – 850 attendees, with some fantastic sessions.

Read more about Live from the Real Farming Conference: Equality in the Countryside – a rural manifesto


Review of ‘Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi’ by Mark Boyle – part 1: reformism and the Transition movement

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This was a very challenging and thought-provoking read. Mark lived without money for three years, and wrote the Moneyless Manifesto, published in 2012. This is his latest book about the corporate ‘Machine’ and appropriate responses to it.

Read more about Review of ‘Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi’ by Mark Boyle – part 1: reformism and the Transition movement


How has the 2008 financial crash affected the wealth of the rich and the poor, and what can we do about it?

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Have we all suffered equally since the crash of 2008? Have we all shared in the austerity? Well, no – the gap between the rich and the poor is widening in the UK, the US and in fact, in the OECD. In the US, Robert Reich reports that 95% of economic gains since 2009 have

Read more about How has the 2008 financial crash affected the wealth of the rich and the poor, and what can we do about it?


What might poultry farms and human society look like if chickens and humans weren’t treated as machines to maximise profit?

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Making use of biological resources, or renewable resources and services as David Holmgren characterises them, is an important principle of Permaculture Design. ‘Renewable services (or passive functions) are those we gain from plants, animals and living soil and water without them being consumed.’

Read more about What might poultry farms and human society look like if chickens and humans weren’t treated as machines to maximise profit?

To all environmental groups: lifestyle change isn’t going to be enough to avert ecological catastrophe

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Someone said to me the other day that he associated ‘low-impact’ with lifestyle but not with politics or economics. Someone else asked why we blogged about TTIP, economic growth or system change when we were ‘just’ an environmental organisation.

Read more about To all environmental groups: lifestyle change isn’t going to be enough to avert ecological catastrophe


Corporations suing elected governments for introducing laws that reduce their profits isn’t new, but TTIP will make it much worse

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It’s called Investor-state Dispute Settlement (ISDS), and it’s a mechanism whereby corporations can sue governments that introduce legislation that they claim reduce their potential to make profit – for example, requiring plain packaging for cigarettes (Australia and Uruguay sued)

Read more about Corporations suing elected governments for introducing laws that reduce their profits isn’t new, but TTIP will make it much worse


Why does Jeremy Hunt want to give junior doctors more work for less money, and can we stop the corporate takeover of the NHS?

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The planned strike is off, but we all know that the assault on the NHS will continue. The corporate incursions into the NHS that Hunt and his ilk are encouraging are because of neoliberal ideology, not a desire to provide the best healthcare. Can there be anyone on the left or right who doesn’t appreciate this,

Read more about Why does Jeremy Hunt want to give junior doctors more work for less money, and can we stop the corporate takeover of the NHS?


How TTIP fits perfectly with the Deregulation Act, which can overrule all other laws if they affect growth or corporate interests

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The Deregulation Bill, proposed by Tory privatiser Oliver Letwin, slipped into law at the end of the last Parliament. It can change all other law, according to criteria of ‘growth’ i.e. business interests. It fits perfectly with the EU’s deregulatory agenda, and that of TTIP and the other new ‘trade’ agreements, which have largely come

Read more about How TTIP fits perfectly with the Deregulation Act, which can overrule all other laws if they affect growth or corporate interests

Is eating meat ethical? And what about dairy?

Microdairies: making them as successful as micro-breweries

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A conference on the benefits of small-scale commercial dairy farms of up to 40 cows or the equivalent of sheep or goats. How to establish them and how to promote the concept. For practising and prospective dairy farmers and others with a professional interest in the future of the British dairy industry.

Read more about Microdairies: making them as successful as micro-breweries


Join the people who are fighting back against corporate control of global food production

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There’s something seriously wrong with the way most of our food is produced and sold. The corporate sector is gaining control of more and more of global food production, shifting the focus from nutrition, flavour and nature towards profit and profit only.

Read more about Join the people who are fighting back against corporate control of global food production