Info, news & debate

How to grow the non-corporate food sector: interview with Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network (Part 2)
This is Part 2 of an interview by Dave Darby of / with Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network as part of a series of interviews with people building the new economy. Here’s Part 1, and below is the transcript of the interview, plus the video.

Is Greta Thunberg right, and if so, what do we do about it?
I identify with Greta Thunberg. I’m also aspergic, and I understand why she’s so motivated. I talked with several people over the Christmas period who don’t like her, for various reasons – her voice; her team fly even though she doesn’t; her parents are manipulating her; she’s too angry; she once used a plastic bottle, …

What I’ve discovered about the money system and how the world is run, since working with the Open Credit Network
In the summer of 2018 I went along to Open2018 to see Matthew Slater talk about how we might shake up the money system with a global Credit Commons. After his presentation, Matthew and I met with Oliver Sylvester-Bradley of the Open Co-op, who organised the event, and decided to build a mutual credit network …

What it’s like to work in a cooperative grocery store: Debbie Clarke of Unicorn Grocery, Part 1
Today I’m talking with Debbie Clarke of Unicorn Grocery – a cooperative grocery store in Manchester; and the thing I’m particularly interested in about Unicorn Grocery is that instead of wanting to become a huge chain, they’ve got a toolkit called ‘Grow your own Grocery’ to help people set up cooperative grocery stores in their own towns.

Become one of the first movers in a new, collaborative economy: Open Credit Network Alpha launch are working with to build a new, co-operative, moneyless, mutual credit trading system for the UK, with a view to joining many similar schemes around the world to create a new global trading system, that requires neither banks nor interest. The point of this article is to invite you, if you own or …

How the Open Food Network helps local food producers: interview with Lynne Davis (Part 1)
Dave Darby of / interviews Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network as part of a series of interviews with people building the new economy. Here’s the transcript of the interview, plus the video (below).

How the REA / Value Flows model can change the world: Lynn Foster of Mikorizal (Part 2)
Here’s the second part of our interview with Lynn Foster of Mikorizal and the Value Flows model. Part 1 is here.

Understanding the REA / Value Flows model: Lynn Foster of Mikorizal (Part 1)
Today Dave Darby of / is talking with Lynn Foster of Mikorizal and the Value Flows model. We’ve heard some very good things about her work, together with her partner, Bob Haugen.

Turn your grapes into wine with help from OrganicLea
It’s that time of year again when the fab folks at OrganicLea invite grape-growing Londoners to join their community wine-making scheme. It’s over to Craig to tell us more, with a useful guide to harvesting grapes to boot.

The difference between the co-operative movement in the UK and the US: Cath Muller of Radical Routes
This is the second part of an interview with Cath Muller of Radical Routes (here’s the first part). Cath hitch-hiked across the Atlantic on a sailing boat, to visit co-operatives in the States. I talked with her about the differences between co-ops over there and in the UK.

Exciting job opportunity: Project Officer with Big Solar Co-op at Sharenergy
Are you fired up to find practical solutions to the climate crisis? If so, this job opportunity as a Project Officer with Big Solar Co-op could be right up your street. Over to Jon Hallé at Sharenergy to tell us more.

Networking small businesses and co-ops to replace corporations: Micky Metts on the new economy
This is part 2 of a conversation with Micky Metts of Agaric – a co-op in Boston, Massachusetts that provides online tools for other co-ops. Part 1 is here. I told Micky about some of the meetings and discussions we’ve been having in the UK with people working to build ‘new economy’ infrastructure, like community …

A strategy for challenging the giant corporate platforms: Duncan McCann of the New Economics Foundation
We talk about a strategy for challenging the giant corporate platforms in Part 2 of an interview with Duncan McCann, who’s working on a platform co-op alternative to Über in Brighton.

Building the open web: an interview with Micky Metts of Agaric
Dave Darby interviews Micky Metts of Agaric, based in Boston, Massachusetts, who is active in both the co-operative and free/open source movements.

Come to our public event on the Open Credit Network, July 18th, London
As you know if you follow this blog, and the Open Co-op have partnered up to build a mutual credit network for the UK, the Open Credit Network (OCN), and that we have people on board who are working to develop the ‘credit commons’ – a way of linking together mutual credit schemes anywhere …

Decentralised collaboration, Paul Mason and more: see you at OPEN 2019 next week?
We hear from Oliver Sylvester-Bradley about exciting opportunities to collaborate at the OPEN 2019 Community Gathering, taking place in London next week.

Reflections on the CTRLshift gathering – an emergency summit for change
The stated aim of the annual CTRLshift gathering (that took place in Stoke-on-Trent recently) is to bring key people together to talk about practical steps to help shift power away from central government and multinational corporations, to communities and individuals. Well, you had me at ‘decentralisation’, so I went along.

Community Wealth Building: Frances Northrop of the New Economics Foundation
Dave Darby explores the ‘Preston Model’ and Community Wealth Building in an interview with Frances Northrop of the New Economics Foundation.

You’re invited to the Ecological Land Cooperative AGM 2019
Taking place in Arlington, East Sussex, on 29th June 2019, the Ecological Land Cooperative AGM 2019 is your chance to learn more about their important work – and check out their brand new barn! Lauren Simpson tells us more.

Developing local entrepreneurs and keeping out giant corporations: Jay Tompt of the REconomy Project
Today we’re talking with Jay Tompt, of the REconomy Project. This is part of a series of interviews with people who are helping to build a new economy.