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    Eco & carbon-footprints posts

    25 dirt-cheap ways to garden organically and save money

    Far from being an expensive or exclusive hobby, organic gardening is a brilliant way to buffer the cost-of-living crisis, allowing you to grow fresh, cheap and abundant food close to home, while at the same time nurturing nature. Read more

    How strawbale construction can help reduce your carbon footprint

    Dainella Nartker of Straw Bale | 15-Dec-2023 | 0

    How can strawbale construction support a low carbon lifestyle? Read more

    Cumbria coal mine – anger, disbelief and shock

    A new coal mine has been approved in Cumbria – but we can not allow it to go ahead. Read more

    11 Easy Actions For a Low Impact Christmas

    Worried about your footprint on the environment this christmas? Here are actions you can take for a low impact holiday. Read more

    Why carbon offsetting through tree planting won’t help solve the climate crisis

    Ian Scoones of Steps Centre | 23-Nov-2022 | 1

    Plans to protect 30% of the planet by 2030 rely too heavily on carbon offsetting by tree planting. Read why this is not such a good idea. Read more

    Can running be low-impact?

    Ultra-runner Damian Hall tells Low-Impact how his sport can be sustainable and low-impact. Read more

    Tulips, chill and climate change

    Sally Morgan of Empire Farm | 14-Sep-2022 | 0

    Tulip bulbs are back in garden centres – read about how climate change, and the chill in the air, can affect tulips. Get hints and tips to help you make the best of this garden favourite. Read more

    Building your own sustainable future

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 14-Jul-2021 | 2

    Hi. I’m Andy Reynolds – author, instructor, forester, promoter of self-reliance, and for the last few years I have been reflecting on our project’s progression, as it seems to have reached the stage of early maturity. The project – rebuilding a home, and changing the surrounding fields from dead agricultural land into an oasis of… Continue reading Building your own sustainable future Read more

    Proposal for a ‘one planet’ food revolution

    This is the third in a series of articles about ‘one planet’ living – the first in rural areas, and the second in cities. Now we discuss the situation as regards food production. Read more

    Debate: how sustainable can an eco-hotel and permaculture community be if it’s for Brits in Portugal?

    We were approached by Peter to ask if we would help promote a proposed eco-holiday complex and permaculture settlement in Portugal. I replied that I didn’t think we could, as I have strong reservations about this kind of eco-hotel development, and explained why. Peter came back with some counter-arguments, and I asked him whether he’d… Continue reading Debate: how sustainable can an eco-hotel and permaculture community be if it’s for Brits in Portugal? Read more

    Urban one-planet development: how can cities reduce their ecological footprint?

    The last post in this series looked at the vital role of ecological footprinting in ensuring that our individual actions are truly sustainable – i.e. within the limits of what the Earth’s resources can provide. This is called ‘one planet’ development. Read more

    Earth.Food.Love: the story of the UK’s first zero-waste shop

    Nicola and Richard Eckersley, founders of Earth.Food.Love, share their journey to pioneering the UK’s first zero-waste shop in Totnes, Devon. Read more

    How the ‘One Planet Development’ policy is helping people get back onto the land in Wales

    Something special is happening in Wales. The country is using legislation to shift itself into a very different direction from England. It wants to be more sustainable. It wants to reduce its ‘ecological footprint’ to a level that’s fair compared to the rest of the planet’s population and resources. Read more

    Seeking a venue: course on how to create a One Planet Development

    I am seeking venues around the country to run an exciting course that will help participants prepare for starting and living on a One Planet Development. Read more

    Wales’ unique ‘one-planet’ planning policy and the Lammas Ecovillage

    Here at the Lammas Ecovillage we have recently celebrated our 7th birthday. The 9 households have collectively built around 15 different buildings, planted many thousands of trees, created hundreds of new habitats, and hosted thousands of volunteers and visitors. Read more

    One planet people – one-month internships available at Lammas Ecovillage

    As a new generation of aspiring land stewards, we wish to minimise dependence on fossil fuels whilst learning to meet our basic needs of food, shelter, energy and livelihood, from the land.  This has been entirely possible for millennia. However, in a 21st century Read more

    How Charlie and Meg’s self-built, natural home finally received planning permission with the help of the One Planet Council

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 11-Nov-2015 | 0

    You may remember a previous article about Charlie and Meg’s natural home in Pembrokeshire, that the planners decided needed to be bulldozed because it was ‘harmful to the rural character of the locality’. See here. Read more

    One Planet Development arrested: my attempts to build a home on a smallholding in Wales

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 08-Oct-2015 | 123

    We moved to Wales because of an extraordinary Welsh Government policy. I shan’t lie, despite all experience and political conviction to the contrary, we were optimistic. One Planet Development seemed to be the kind of advance for low impact living and sustainable land use that we had been hoping for Read more

    One Planet Development opportunity next to Lammas eco-village in Wales

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-Feb-2015 | 2

    Here’s an opportunity to you potential smallholders / rat-race escapees: A thirty acre field next to the Lammas ecovillage has come up for sale.  Read more

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