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Credit clearing

How credit clearing can help system change: Michael Hallam of Local Loop Lancaster & Morecambe

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In this interview I’m talking with Michael Hallam, who is involved with the Ethical Small Traders Association (ESTA) in Lancaster, and has recently been working with Mutual Credit Services on a credit clearing project called Local Loop Lancaster & Morecambe. Credit clearing is an important part of what needs to happen to build a new, ‘commons’ economy.

Read more about How credit clearing can help system change: Michael Hallam of Local Loop Lancaster & Morecambe

A range of new monetary tools for a completely new economy: Tom Woodroof of Mutual Credit Services, Part 2

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This is Part 2 of an interview with Tom Woodroof, who made the move from the world of nuclear physics to the world of mutual credit and monetary change. I’m going to find out more about his work, and how it can contribute to (quite revolutionary) change.

Read more about A range of new monetary tools for a completely new economy: Tom Woodroof of Mutual Credit Services, Part 2