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Craft production posts

The Wool Journey Part 10: using traditional carding machines

In the tenth installment of The Wool Journey with Sue Blacker at The Natural Fibre Company, we learn about the next stage of preparing wool to spin, using traditional carding machines. Read more

Off Grid Festival 2018: another world is possible

Roxy Piper tells us all about this year’s Off Grid Festival, taking place from 9-12th August in the historic Tapeley Park and Gardens in North Devon, with the theme of Seven Generation Stewardship. Read more

Making a netted bag using looped cordage with Ruby Taylor

Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 03-May-2018 | 0

Ruby Taylor of Native Hands shares how to make a netted bag using looped cordage and explores the history of using natural fibres to produce wild cordage. Read more

Who can afford artisan goods? For truly green businesses, we have to kick the money habit

Eloise Sentito of These Isles | 11-Mar-2018 | 25

Hi, how’s business? As an artisan working with wool, January and February are usually peak season for me, but this year they’ve been the worst months on my records, despite the big freeze. Read more

The Wool Journey Part 7: uses of different fibre types

Continuing The Wool Journey, Sue Blacker of The Natural Fibre Company explains the uses of different fibre types. It is said that everything of a pig can be used but the squeak and the same is true of fleeces! Read more

Meet madder, woad & weld: traditional dye plants of Europe

In this post, textile artist Teresinha Roberts of Wild Colours tells us all about the top three European dye plants for use in natural dyeing: madder, woad and weld. Read more

The Wool Journey Part 6: grading, sorting and storing of fleeces following shearing

In the sixth installment of The Wool Journey by Sue Blacker of The Natural Fibre Company and Blacker Yarns, she outlines the crucial steps of grading, sorting and storing of fleeces following shearing. Read more

The linen journey: locally-grown flax to yarn

In a spin-off from The Wool Journey series of blog posts, The Natural Fibre Company shares The Linen Journey, in which Sonja Bargielowska explores flax’s journey from field to yarn. Read more

Making an ash pack basket

Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 21-Nov-2017 | 4

In a post kindly shared from the Native Hands blog, our basketry specialist Ruby Taylor recounts a recent trip to the woods to make a beautiful ash pack basket. Read more

The Wool Journey Part 4: wool attributes amongst breeds, natural colour and health

In The Wool Journey Part 4, Sonja Bargielowska of Blacker Yarns at The Natural Fibre Company considers wool attributes amongst breeds, natural colour and the importance of a healthy flock. Read more

The Wool Journey Part 3: wool attributes – length, crimp and lustre

In the third of The Wool Journey installments based on an original post by Sonja Bargielowska at Blacker Yarns, The Natural Fibre Company leads us to consider length, crimp and lustre. Read more

The Wool Journey Part 1: what is wool?

In the first of a series of guest blog posts from Sue Blacker and colleagues at The Natural Fibre Company, we invite you to embark upon The Wool Journey, exploring the what, how and why of all things wool. Read more

An introduction to tool sharpening with Robin Wood

“A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use.” So said the American writer and diplomat Washington Irving. In this post, we explore the importance of tool sharpening in woodworking with artisan Robin Wood MBE. Read more

How to make a pair of bellows: a step by step guide with Kormak the Carter

In this post we learn from Cormac Stanton how to construct a pair of working bellows, be they for the fireplace or the forge. A member of the Manaraefan Herred Dark Age and Early Medieval re-enactment group, as Kormak the Carter he works alongside blacksmith Mo Swinhosson. Both are described as highly competent early medieval… Continue reading How to make a pair of bellows: a step by step guide with Kormak the Carter Read more

One man and his sticks: meet stickmaker Joe Musialowski

A traditional rural skill sometimes overlooked, crook and stickmaking is making a comeback in the UK.’s Sophie Paterson spoke to Joe Musialowski of Wren Country Sticks about his journey to become a professional stickmaker and what the future might hold for this timeless country craft. Supplier of bespoke sticks, crooks and croziers for walkers, shepherds… Continue reading One man and his sticks: meet stickmaker Joe Musialowski Read more

What we’re losing: the joy and satisfaction of crafting things by hand

Jan Zalud of | 12-Mar-2017 | 3

The video below shows various stages of the production and finish of a 1-metre tall puppet by Jan Zalud. Jan makes all sorts of things – crafted by hand from wood. Read more

Why self-reliance is so important as part of a secure, low-impact life

Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 04-Mar-2017 | 0

I am Andy Reynolds, a long-term practitioner of low-impact living, smallholder, author, forester, teacher, carpenter, builder. I’ve been working with since the early noughties, and I’d like to share my philosophy on self-reliance with you. Read more

Why we’d be better off living like the Saxons (with a few mod cons)

Dave Darby of | 05-Feb-2017 | 11

If you spend your life trying to promote low-impact living, you sometimes get asked the most ridiculous questions. More than once I’ve been asked something along the lines of: ‘you want to take us back to the Middle Ages, don’t you?’ Read more

The power of doing things ourselves using recycled materials: the Permaculture Book of DIY

Dave Darby of | 06-Oct-2016 | 1

This is a radical new book – not because the ideas within it are going to change the world, but because it contains funky little DIY projects that could make a lot of people think ‘hey, I’ve always wanted one of those, but was put off by the cost – but actually, I could do… Continue reading The power of doing things ourselves using recycled materials: the Permaculture Book of DIY Read more

Viable self-sufficiency

Back 40 years ago in 1976, John Seymour’s most famous work –The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency – was published. It was billed as for dreamers and realists which was pretty accurate. Read more

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