Info, news & debate

Commons economy


How to answer the question: ‘if you don’t like this system, what do you want to replace it with?’ – aka a review of The Democracy Project by David Graeber

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Graeber was a leading light in the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the book begins with a fascinating insider’s view of the goings-on in and around Zucotti Park in 2011. The most important point in the book for me though was the reminder that people always want a blueprint for a new society

Read more about How to answer the question: ‘if you don’t like this system, what do you want to replace it with?’ – aka a review of The Democracy Project by David Graeber

low-impact money

If you’re not exactly ‘time-rich’, here’s how you can change society with your money as well as your actions

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Since Lowimpact began as LILI in 2001, we’ve offered a constantly increasing bank of information, courses, products, services, books, magazines, links, videos and advice for people wanting to change their lives – to live in a more sustainable and less corporate way.

Read more about If you’re not exactly ‘time-rich’, here’s how you can change society with your money as well as your actions

share offer

Help set up eco-settlements by moving your money and getting a better return than from a bank savings account

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If we want to: help set up organic smallholdings; allow people to build natural homes on their land; preserve rural skills and livelihoods; and develop a sustainable, non-corporate food supply, we have to do more than just talk about it.

Read more about Help set up eco-settlements by moving your money and getting a better return than from a bank savings account

ecological land co-op

I’ve joined the board of the Ecological Land Co-operative because I want to change the way land is owned and farmed

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On Wednesday evening I attended the AGM of the Ecological Land Co-op at Freightliners City Farm in London. I was standing for election to the board after being invited to apply by Shaun Chamberlin of Dark Optimism

Read more about I’ve joined the board of the Ecological Land Co-operative because I want to change the way land is owned and farmed


Ecological Land Co-op plan 20 (!) new settlements, and you can get involved – new community share offer launches today

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We’re excited to announce an opportunity to invest in the development of ecological smallholdings in England. Our key aim is to widen the access to land for sustainable use through the creation of affordable low-impact smallholdings. We’d love you to join us in making this possible.

Read more about Ecological Land Co-op plan 20 (!) new settlements, and you can get involved – new community share offer launches today


Incredible ‘Frackogram 2015’ shows the many links of vested interest within the fracking industry and government

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In July 2013 I produced a very rudimentary ‘map’of the connections related to un/conventional fossil fuels at the heart of Government. Finally, after two years of research, I have now produced the final detailed version – the Frackogram 2015

Read more about Incredible ‘Frackogram 2015’ shows the many links of vested interest within the fracking industry and government

agroecology research

the Ecological Land Co-op have produced a much-needed, free overview of research on ecological agriculture in the UK

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The Ecological Land Co-operative recently produced an overview of research on ecological agriculture in the UK. We’ve used this to create a new online resource, freely accessible via our website.

Read more about the Ecological Land Co-op have produced a much-needed, free overview of research on ecological agriculture in the UK

Are schools just for preparing kids for a corporate world, and should home education be the norm in a future, non-corporate society?

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There was a time when it was much easier for me to stumble into an argument over the choice to home educate than almost any other subject. People who would hesitate to call me a fool for being an anarchist or a vegetarian would wade in with all kinds of

Read more about Are schools just for preparing kids for a corporate world, and should home education be the norm in a future, non-corporate society?


Braziers Park community wants to set up a university completely independent from the corporate sector, and you can get involved

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‘When a university becomes a business the whole of student life is transformed. When a university is more concerned with its image, its marketability and the ‘added value’ of its degrees, the student is no longer a student – they become a commodity and education becomes a service.’

Read more about Braziers Park community wants to set up a university completely independent from the corporate sector, and you can get involved