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    Commoning posts

    A ‘Transcender Manifesto’ for a world beyond capitalism

    Dil Green shares a Transcender Manifesto for groups to develop networks of transcendent social relations for a world beyond capitalism. Read more

    How do we grow the ‘co-operative commonwealth’? Interview with Pat Conaty

    We talk about growing a co-operative commonwealth in the second part of an interview with Pat Conaty, senior research fellow at NEF and Co-operatives UK and author of the Resilience Imperative, with Michael Lewis. Read more

    Free online course: Toward Co-operative Common Wealth MOOC

    Calling all activists, practitioners and policy-makers! We share news of a masterclass in movement building in the form of a massive open online course (MOOC) starting on 25th March 2019. Read more

    What are ‘the commons’ in the 21st century? Interview with Pat Conaty

    We meet Pat Conaty, senior research fellow at NEF and Co-operatives UK and co-author of the Resilience Imperative, to discuss ‘the commons’. Read more

    How do we build a new, non-extractive economy? Dil Green of Lowimpact.org

    How can we build a new, non-extractive economy? Dave Darby interviews Lowimpact.org’s Dil Green to find out. Read more

    So long, Doris: how to make a Linux computer from scratch

    When his old computer died, Simon Lennane knew exactly what to do to get back up and running, by building a Linux computer from scratch. Read more

    Why the future of money is mutual credit (and not Bitcoin): Interview with Thomas H Greco Jr.

    Tom Greco of Beyond Money | 27-Jan-2019 | 18

    Today I’m talking with Thomas Greco, who taught economics, finance and statistics for 14 years at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, and is now an activist and consultant working on alternatives to the current money system. He also wrote the End of Money and the Future of Civilisation. I came across this book… Continue reading Why the future of money is mutual credit (and not Bitcoin): Interview with Thomas H Greco Jr. Read more

    How the EU is causing problems for the ‘Preston Model’ of local, non-corporate procurement

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 18-Nov-2018 | 1

    I’ve often suggested that Western states are beginning to resemble an admin department for the corporate sector. Read more

    We’re launching a national mutual credit scheme and here’s why we’d like you to join

    We’re working with other groups, including Open.coop, the Credit Commons Collective and author Tom Greco to build a UK-wide mutual credit network. Read more

    Is technology the problem? Conversation with Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan

    Dave King of Breaking the Frame | 14-Oct-2018 | 16

    This is a conversation between Dave Darby of NonCorporate.org and Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan. Dave (K) is opposed to the ‘technocracy’ that he describes as the root cause of environmental destruction and lack of democracy. Read more

    How could we build a viable alternative to the current, bank-controlled money system? Interview with Matthew Slater of the Credit Commons Collective

    This week we’re talking with Matthew Slater of the Credit Commons Collective, working to build a mutualist, credit-based alternative to the current money system. Read more

    Farm Hack is coming to Wales! Join in 6-7 October at the CSA Gathering

    You’re invited to participate in skill shares and farm hacks from 6-7 October 2018 at Tyddyn Teg Co-operative near Caernarfon. A joint event between Farm Hack and the Community Supported Agriculture network in Wales, Frank White tells us more. Read more

    The future of land ownership: interview with Oli Rodker of the Ecological Land Co-op and the Landworkers’ Alliance

    This week we’re talking with Oli Rodker, founder director of the Ecological Land Co-operative and the Landworkers’ Alliance, about his work, and how we might change the nature of land ownership in the UK, where 0.06% of the population own 50% of rural land in England and Wales, according to the Country Land & Business… Continue reading The future of land ownership: interview with Oli Rodker of the Ecological Land Co-op and the Landworkers’ Alliance Read more

    My mutual credit journey (and how you can join in the fun)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Aug-2018 | 3

    I often trawl the web just speculatively looking for new people or new ideas, clicking on links from interesting sites. TEDx talks are a favourite. A few years ago I came across an intriguing TEDx talk by Professor Jem Bendell called ‘the Money Myth’. Read more

    Join the Land Justice Network national gathering on 18 August in Sheffield

    The Land Justice Network national gathering is your chance to learn about their work campaigning for land reform and to together help plan next steps. Read more

    Models of repopulation: bringing low-impact living to life in rural Europe

    We hear from yurt and tent builders and suppliers Spirits Intent about their new mission to revive low-impact living and rural economies in southern Europe through the Heartland Association. Read more

    Announcing the launch of NonCorporate.org – how to move away from multinational corporations

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-Jun-2018 | 7

    We’re pleased to announce the launch of NonCorporate.org – our sister site, dedicated to helping people move away from multinational corporations (MNCs) for everything they need. Read more

    Public debate on capitalism: what happened and what I learnt

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 22-May-2018 | 9

    You may remember that I was invited to take part in a public debate in London recently (see here) about whether capitalism is ‘the best system for a sustainable future’. I was asked to deliver the ‘no’ position. Read more

    Public debate featuring yours truly: is capitalism the best system for a sustainable future?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Apr-2018 | 3

    If you’re in London on April 18th, there’s a public debate you might be interested in, upstairs in a pub in Tooting. I’ve been asked to put the case against capitalism. There will be initial presentations, rebuttals, questions from the audience, and then a summing up. Read more

    Reclaiming our ancient indigenous wisdom and a sense of ‘the village’

    Rebecca Card of Nature Wisdom | 03-Apr-2018 | 3

    I think I am unusual. I can find a confidence inside that allows me to take risks. This confidence allows me to initiate things that I feel passionate about and because I see their worth in the world. I can do this even if I think I don’t know what I’m doing. Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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