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    Commoning posts

    Mutual Credit Services – keeping communities alive after COVID: introduction

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 13-Feb-2022 | 4

    Members of the Lowimpact.org co-op are involved with Mutual Credit Services (MCS), whose mission is to help build local mutual credit ‘clubs’ in the UK and overseas, and to link them together in a global trading network. We’re often asked about the current state of play, and so we’ve put together a series of 6 articles to explain what progress we’ve made. Read more

    Toward co-operative commonwealth: transition in a perilous century

    A while ago, we interviewed Pat Conaty, author, academic and stalwart of system change activism. We talked about how to grow the ‘co-operative commonwealth’ and about what constitutes the ‘commons’ in the 21st century. Pat is now part of the Synergia Institute, who have put together a MOOC for those of you involved with social and environmental change, and frustrated at the lack of real change we can see around us. Read more

    Building the new economy with mutual credit in Costa Rica

    Emmanuel Savard of ReVive | 07-Nov-2021 | 0

    Here’s a conversation with Emmanuel Savard, co-founder of a group in Costa Rica that’s looking at providing all the essentials of life – food production, housing and energy – for their town via regenerative, non-extractive, sustainable, community-based exchange and investment models. Read more

    How ‘chamas’ and mutual credit are changing Africa: Shaila Agha of the Sarafu Network

    Today I’m talking with Shaila Agha of the Sarafu Network about ‘chamas’ and mutual credit, and how they’re changing Africa. Read more

    What kind of work do we want to do? Is working with our hands passé?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Jun-2021 | 0

    There’s an approach to life that sees craft jobs, or smallholding and food production, including baking, brewing and beekeeping, as well as any kind of job that involves manual work and dexterity as somehow retrograde and passé, and that ‘work’ now means mainly putting on a suit and travelling to an office to do something-or-other… Continue reading What kind of work do we want to do? Is working with our hands passé? Read more

    Join our presentation: the Credit Commons protocol – tech agnostic, low-friction transactions for all

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-May-2021 | 7

    You’re invited to join our presentation on the ‘Credit Commons’ – a protocol to connect and unite mutual credit groups globally – on Friday 4 June from 4-5.30pm. Sign up here. Read more

    ‘Mutualism’ will supersede traditional left vs right politics

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 23-May-2021 | 0

    Nature, democracy and community aren’t partisan issues. No-one sensible, of any political persuasion, speaks out against them. They’re essential for human well-being. But they’re being destroyed, and disunity wastes energy and prevents us from being able to do anything about it. Read more

    Mutual credit in Africa: interview with Will Ruddick of Grassroots Economics

    I’d like to introduce Will Ruddick, who set up the Grassroots Economics Foundation in Kenya around ten years ago, that runs a very successful mutual credit network (called the Sarafu Network) there. Read more

    Resources to accompany upcoming book on new economy built around mutual credit

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Jan-2021 | 1

    I have a contract to produce a book about growing a new economy, in communities, with mutual credit at the core. This article is a listing of key resources: video interviews I’ve done with relevant people whilst researching the book, plus articles and websites providing additional information. Read more

    Storing value in a mutual credit world: Chris Cook

    Chris Cook of Island Power | 20-Dec-2020 | 14

    This is the third in a series of interviews that will accompany a book I’m writing, that will be published by Chelsea Green – an employee-owned company, and part of the new economy that the book is describing, built around a mutual credit core. Today I’m talking with Chris Cook. He was the designer of… Continue reading Storing value in a mutual credit world: Chris Cook Read more

    Building the Credit Commons with Mutual Credit Clubs: Matthew Slater

    This is the second in a series of interviews that will accompany a book I’m writing, that will be published by Chelsea Green – an employee-owned company, and part of the new economy that the book is describing, built around a mutual credit core. Here’s more on the book deal and here’s some introductory information… Continue reading Building the Credit Commons with Mutual Credit Clubs: Matthew Slater Read more

    Two planks – and a bridge – to the new economy

    This article accompanies and enlarges upon the interview with Dil Green that we published recently, as part of series of articles on a forthcoming book about building a new economy around a mutual credit core. Read more

    Mutual credit clubs: an introduction, with Dil Green

    Dil Green had the original idea for ‘mutual credit clubs’ that can federate to create a new global trading system. He’s brought together a group of people to form Mutual Credit Services (MCS) to start to build this federation (new website coming soon). Read more

    Are power hierarchies inevitable in human society?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 25-Oct-2020 | 5

    Just to be clear, I’m only talking about institutional, power hierarchies here, not hierarchies based on beauty, knowledge, intelligence, ability, respect etc. Those hierarchies are inevitable, of course, and life would probably be quite boring without them. Read more

    My tribute to David Graeber: please read his words

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Sep-2020 | 2

    Maybe David Graeber’s death can challenge us to take a few minutes to think about the demonisation of the word anarchism. I believe that the two fundamental assumptions of anarchism are correct – that: Read more

    What post-Covid communities could look like, if enough of us want it

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 12-Jul-2020 | 7

    Here’s a little story for anyone who’s noticed that things aren’t going too well in our communities. Small businesses are going under, unemployment is on the rise and money’s becoming scarce. Read more

    Community wealth building & mutual credit: a match made in heaven?

    This is the third in a series of articles about community wealth building and mutual credit, by Dave Darby and Dil Green of Lowimpact.org and the Open Credit Network. Read more

    ‘The Case for Community Wealth Building’: review

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 23-May-2020 | 0

    This is the first of three articles in three days about ‘community wealth building’ (CWB) and mutual credit. Today we’re explaining community wealth building, and reviewing a book: The Case for Community Wealth Building. Tomorrow we’ll blog about how mutual credit can help post-Covid communities, and on Monday, Dil Green continues the theme, explaining how… Continue reading ‘The Case for Community Wealth Building’: review Read more

    Post-covid: ‘getting back to normal’ is suicidal – here’s the alternative

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 19-Apr-2020 | 15

    “For those who dream of a return to “normalcy”: normalcy was standing on the tracks watching an oncoming train & arguing about how fast it was going. Something just banged into us & sent us sprawling. It hurt. A lot. Now let’s get up, but NOT get back on the tracks again.” – David Graeber Read more

    Post-covid: ‘getting back to normal’ is not just a bad idea – it’s suicidal

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 12-Apr-2020 | 14

    There’s been a lot of talk about ‘thanking’ coronavirus for giving us the breathing space to re-evaluate, and for giving nature some breathing space too. This isn’t one of those articles. I don’t find it compassionate to thank a virus that’s killing thousands of people, and closing millions of small businesses, allowing Amazon to hoover… Continue reading Post-covid: ‘getting back to normal’ is not just a bad idea – it’s suicidal Read more

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    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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