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    Cohousing posts

    Let’s build a sustainable, non-corporate world; but what exactly does ‘non-corporate’ mean?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Apr-2017 | 0

    This is the first of two articles examining the non-corporate sector, and its advantages for ecology, democracy, communities and individuals. Here’s a checklist of the benefits of reducing the reach of the corporate sector, but first, let’s work out what kind of organisations comprise the non-corporate sector. Read more

    Want to join a new Midlands co-op with plans for self-build homes for its members?

    A growing Northamptonshire based business is looking for individuals who wish to become part of an ethically based worker’s collective. The current business owners, Paul Battye and Melanie Cutler, are looking to turn their business into the new collective to share with like minded individuals Read more

    Building a small home has a big payback

    Let’s get one thing straight right away…When I say “small”, I don’t mean living in a shoe box.   What I mean by “small” is living in a space that is designed…well designed…for your needs…and no more.  A small space doesn’t mean cramped. Read more

    Rent first to see if a self-build home in a cohousing project at an eco-chateau in France is for you

    Ruth Phillips of Eco Chateau | 11-Nov-2016 | 0

    An cohousing eco-hamlet around a chateau in the Dordogne region of France is being formed. You can rent a plot to see if the project is for you, before deciding whether to become a co-owner. Read more

    Want to be part of a pioneering eco-village project in Northern Ireland?

    The Cauldron Community Educational Eco Village project is working to set up the first Eco Village in Northern Ireland and is currently open for Aspiring Residents and Investors. We are registered and constituted as a not-for-profit ‘Community Interest Company.’ Read more

    Mutualism: a philosophy for changing society with a difference – it’s implementable

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 21-Feb-2016 | 11

    There are lots of ideas for changing the world – from voting to demonstrations, petitions, lifestyle change, incremental change, revolutionary change, or more of the same, only harder. The problem with many of them is that they are either ineffective or not implementable. Read more

    Diggers and Dreamers Communities Directory is back with a 25th anniversary edition

    This is the publication that inspired me to visit intentional communities, eventually join one – Redfield Community in Buckinghamshire, where Lowimpact.org was founded. It’s a handy directory of communities / communes / co-operative living in the UK and elsewhere Read more

    Beware the ‘sharing’ economy – back door for a more rapacious form of capitalism

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Nov-2015 | 3

    Something that’s been troubling me for a while. The ‘sharing’ economy must be a good thing, right? I’ve been trying to see the good in it for a while. Sharing anything must mean that fewer resources are used, less waste produced, people get to know each other in their communities. All sounds great, doesn’t it? Read more

    Low-impact & the city 1: introduction – how possible is it to live in a sustainable, non-corporate way in a city?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Jun-2015 | 23

    I lived at Redfield Community for 13 years – it’s where Lowimpact.org was born – but now I live in London, and so I’m assessing my options for living as low-impact a life as I can. Read more

    Interested in rural cohousing? Introducing the Agroecological Land Initiative

    The Agroecological Land Initiative is an new organisation founded to advocate and implement agroecological methods in the UK to help secure food sovereignty, energy independence, and environmental regeneration in a way that is financially viable and socially just. Read more

    Want to help start an eco-village in Ireland?

    Harry White of East Clare Eco | 15-Jul-2012 | 0

    Hello. My family and I moved to Ireland three years ago when our eldest boy was born. Previous to this we were living aboard a narrow boat cruising between the midlands and London. Read more

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    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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