Info, news & debate


Intensive pig farming - an example of industrial animal agriculture

We need to completely close down industrial animal agriculture

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Industrial agriculture is cruel to animals, cruel to people who work in it, it damages the environment and concentrates wealth in very few hands. I guess if you’re reading this, you know that already, and I don’t have to explain it. The problem is, it’s still there, doing its vile stuff every day. What do

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Does the sustainability of meat production depend on the size of a holding and the number of animals kept on it?

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I want to investigate at what size meat production becomes unsustainable (in terms of acreage, number of animals etc.) – i.e. whether it can be sustainable at all, and if so, whether there’s an upper limit, above which it can’t be sustainable

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Cow-calf dairying part 1: the difference between conventional and humanely-produced milk

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This is the first in a series of articles looking at the practicalities of producing ethical, cruelty-free milk by allowing dairy cows to keep their calves. In this post we cover why conventional dairy cows don’t keep their calves and why humanely-produced milk using cow-calf dairying is rare and costs much more to produce.

Read more about Cow-calf dairying part 1: the difference between conventional and humanely-produced milk