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    Bow making posts

    It can’t possibly be a bad thing to live in the wild and to harvest both plants and animals for food – can it?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-Dec-2017 | 264

    A group of us are attempting to have a debate about the sustainability of meat production, but I’ve realised that our differences are much deeper. Read more

    Join our new online community Living Low Impact

    We’re excited to introduce our new Facebook group Living Low Impact – and you’re invited! Read more

    Why we’d be better off living like the Saxons (with a few mod cons)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 05-Feb-2017 | 11

    If you spend your life trying to promote low-impact living, you sometimes get asked the most ridiculous questions. More than once I’ve been asked something along the lines of: ‘you want to take us back to the Middle Ages, don’t you?’ Read more

    If society collapses, which skills will you wish you’d learnt?

    Here’s a conversation between Dave of Lowimpact.org and Nigel Berman of ‘School of the Wild’. Nigel teaches appreciation of nature and wilderness, and he’s provided us with information for our topic introduction on ‘firecraft’. Read more

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