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    Biodiesel posts

    New website and new plans for 2022 – your involvement welcome

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 23-Jan-2022 | 2

    We launched our new website in early January. It’s faster, more robust and (hopefully) easier to navigate. Please let us know if you find any broken links or any other problems. Since 2001, we’ve been developing a huge range of topics covering low-impact technologies, facilities and activities. But with the current economy and money system,… Continue reading New website and new plans for 2022 – your involvement welcome Read more

    Stop greenwashing of aviation: 4. biofuels

    Steve of Stay Grounded | 22-Nov-2021 | 2

    Over five weeks we’re publishing a range of Stay Grounded factsheets about various kinds of techno-greenwashing provided by the aviation industry. This one is about the promise of biofuels. Read more

    Join our new online community Living Low Impact

    We’re excited to introduce our new Facebook group Living Low Impact – and you’re invited! Read more

    One man’s journey from diesel to veg oil

    Geoff of Veg Oil Car | 20-Jul-2017 | 1

    This week Lowimpact.org met Geoff, a.k.a the Veg Oil Guy, who runs two websites and a YouTube channel chronicling his exploration of diesel to vegetable oil conversion and proving veg oil motoring can be done! Read more

    What do you think about about this video by Rob Newman, and what does that say about you?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 25-Nov-2015 | 2

    This is ‘the History of Oil’ by comedian Rob Newman. You might have seen it already, but if not, have a look – it’s very funny, as well as spot-on. He mentions the Radio 4 news item – that there was ‘an American plan to bring democracy to the Middle East’, and marvels at the… Continue reading What do you think about about this video by Rob Newman, and what does that say about you? Read more

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