Info, news & debate


Modern food production: bad news for chickens?

Progress? Is modern food production efficient (using poultry as an example)?

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We often hear it said that modern farming is efficient and results in low cost food on our table but how true is that? I would contend that there is an awful lot wrong with our food production and distribution systems in the west and the much vaunted efficiency is far from being the true

Read more about Progress? Is modern food production efficient (using poultry as an example)?

Volunteer at a crofting / educational centre in the Highlands and learn about the ‘shieling’

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This is a farm-based education organisation.  Our story is the ‘shieling’ – a tradition where folk went up to the hills with the livestock. The shieling is a traditional practice of moving up to the high ground or moorland with livestock, to live there for the summer.

Read more about Volunteer at a crofting / educational centre in the Highlands and learn about the ‘shieling’

Why do organic farmers have to pay for certification rather than farmers who use toxic chemicals?

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It’s always more expensive to do the right thing isn’t it? Like taking the train instead of driving or flying, or buying recycled products, organic food or natural building materials. If you want to do the environmentally-friendly or socially-just thing, it’s going to cost you more money. That can’t be right, can it?

Read more about Why do organic farmers have to pay for certification rather than farmers who use toxic chemicals?


Can constantly-moving livestock help prevent desertification?

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Desertification is the process whereby grasslands slowly turn into deserts, and suggesting that we can help reverse this process with livestock sounds counter-intuitive, especially as livestock is usually named as one of the major contributors to desertification. In the video below, Allan Savory, who has spent a lifetime studying and working towards poverty eradication and wildlife conservation,

Read more about Can constantly-moving livestock help prevent desertification?


What might poultry farms and human society look like if chickens and humans weren’t treated as machines to maximise profit?

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Making use of biological resources, or renewable resources and services as David Holmgren characterises them, is an important principle of Permaculture Design. ‘Renewable services (or passive functions) are those we gain from plants, animals and living soil and water without them being consumed.’

Read more about What might poultry farms and human society look like if chickens and humans weren’t treated as machines to maximise profit?

Is eating meat ethical? And what about dairy?

Microdairies: making them as successful as micro-breweries

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A conference on the benefits of small-scale commercial dairy farms of up to 40 cows or the equivalent of sheep or goats. How to establish them and how to promote the concept. For practising and prospective dairy farmers and others with a professional interest in the future of the British dairy industry.

Read more about Microdairies: making them as successful as micro-breweries


Join the people who are fighting back against corporate control of global food production

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There’s something seriously wrong with the way most of our food is produced and sold. The corporate sector is gaining control of more and more of global food production, shifting the focus from nutrition, flavour and nature towards profit and profit only.

Read more about Join the people who are fighting back against corporate control of global food production


How a ‘chicken tractor’ can clear and improve soil, as well as getting rid of pests

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My vegetable field has some problems. It’s not that vegetables don’t grow there; over two seasons I’ve had some notable successes, it’s just that there’s verdant weed growth throughout, more slugs than you can shake a stick at, and the soil needs improving

Read more about How a ‘chicken tractor’ can clear and improve soil, as well as getting rid of pests