Articles by Sigi Koko
Sigi Koko is the principal designer at Down to Earth Design, which she founded in 1998 to help her clients manifest their dreams of living in a natural, healthy home. She also teaches natural building workshops that empower her clients to contribute creatively during the construction of their own home.
Articles by
Sigi Koko

How to plaster straw-bale walls with clay: the second coat
Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares her tips and tricks for how to plaster straw-bale walls with clay, this time tackling the second coat.

How to plaster straw-bale walls with clay: the first coat
Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares her top tips for how to plaster straw-bale walls with clay, beginning with the first, or base, coat.

How to build a low-cost, high-performing living green roof
Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares her top tips for building a low-cost, high-performing living green roof.

The benefits and challenges of natural paints with Sigi Koko
Sigi Koko outlines the pros, cons and considerations when it comes to making non-toxic natural paints from the simplest of ingredients.

How to make your own natural paints with eggs
A great project to try with kids, natural builder Sigi Koko shares her best recipes for how to make natural paints with eggs.

How to make natural non-toxic paint from clay
Natural builder Sigi Koko shares her tried and tested method of making natural non-toxic paint from clay.

How to build an adobe earthen floor with Sigi Koko (Part 4)
Natural builder Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares how to perfect the final finishing layer of an adobe earthen floor.

How to build an adobe earthen floor with Sigi Koko (Part 3)
Sigi Koko teaches us the different approaches to the levelling layer in Part 3 of how to build an adobe earthen floor.

How to build an adobe earthen floor with Sigi Koko (Part 2)
In Part 2 of how to build an adobe earthen floor, Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design tackles the all important base layer.

How to build an adobe earthen floor with Sigi Koko (Part 1)
Natural builder Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares how to build an adobe floor. In Part 1, we learn about the substrate through to the insulation layer critical for any earthen floor.

How to make your own natural paint with milk
Whether it’s for your kitchen walls or your 5 year old’s latest masterpiece, Sigi Koko shares her simple recipes for homemade natural paint with milk.

How to build a cob oven in your garden with Sigi Koko – Part 2
Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares a step-by-step building process to help you build your very own outdoor cob oven using local natural materials.

How to build a cob oven in your garden with Sigi Koko – Part 1
We learn from Sigi Koko at Down to Earth Design about how to build a cob oven using local natural materials and firewood as fuel. In this first installment, she covers the preparation stages.

Waste not, want not: 5 tips for collecting salvaged building materials
Using salvage building materials brings new life to otherwise discarded items. Reusing materials can inspire creativity and reduce construction costs. But you need to have a plan, or you risk spinning your wheels and burning out from all the leg work involved.

Building a small home has a big payback
Let’s get one thing straight right away…When I say “small”, I don’t mean living in a shoe box. What I mean by “small” is living in a space that is designed…well designed…for your needs…and no more. A small space doesn’t mean cramped.

Sigi Koko on the basics of passive solar design
Passive solar design takes advantage of solar orientation and other climate conditions to minimize (and in some conditions, eliminate) heating and cooling requirements for a building.