Articles by Nick Mann
Nick Mann has lived in Somerset since 2001, from where he runs his business Habitat Aid. Through selling hedge plants he became interested in hedgelaying (which he learnt to do locally) and the history and role of hedges in the landscape. He writes on this and other gardening and environmental topics.
Articles by
Nick Mann

Laying a Hedge with ‘dead hedge’ and woodchips rather than a bonfire
The first time I watched a hedge being laid was way back in the day. I vividly remember the enormous bonfire that followed, as the contractors burnt all the brash – with a little help from a can of diesel and some pallets. I saw it from Castle Cary, a good three miles away, and I thought the house had gone up. Yikes.

Designing your garden for extreme heat
Many perennials, shrubs and trees – particularly newly planted – are going to struggle in the kind of conditions we’re faced with as I write – record high temperatures after months of low rainfall. What can we do to help them?

Hedgelaying and culture wars
Nick Mann bemoans the fact that many concerned about conservation are opposing hedgelaying on social media because of a perception that it’s damaging to plants and wildlife.

Neonicotinoids and climate change
With neonicotinoids back in the news this month, Nick Mann of Habitat Aid shares his views on the growing threat they pose in combination with climate change.

The Wool Carder bee – and why it’s one of my favourites
Which are your favourite species of bee? For Nick Mann of Habitat Aid, ranking high among them is the Wool Carder bee.

Sowing wildflower seed onto grass
Keen to transform your lawn into a wildflower meadow but not sure how? Nick Mann of Habitat Aid shares his guide to sowing wildflower seed onto grass.

Blossom, blossom and more blossom!
Nick Mann of Habitat Aid charts a five month journey of beautiful blossom and how people and pollinators alike can benefit from its bounty.

Hedgelaying for wildlife: it’s worth the effort
We hear from Nick Mann of Habitat Aid about why hedgelaying for wildlife is well worth the effort – and the workout – it entails.

Wildflower meadows in spring: what to look forward to
As the winter solstice approaches, Nick Mann of Habitat Aid takes a welcome look forward to the delights of his wildflower meadows in spring.

Why hedgelaying makes a better hedge
Providing safe passage for wildlife and a sturdy windbreak, Nick Mann of Habitat Aid shares his views on the rich rural tradition of hedgelaying and why he’s such a fan.

How to store apples over the winter: a brief guide
You’ve picked your apples but what to do now? Learn how to make the best of the harvest with Nick Mann’s brief guide to how to store apples over the winter.

In the meadow: rediscovering the extraordinary ordinary
As summertime nears, Nick Mann of Habitat Aid shares a snapshot of a Somerset meadow, rediscovering the extraordinary ordinary of the nature found within.

How to make a windbreak: the best trees and shrubs to use
We learn about the best trees and shrubs to use to make a windbreak for your garden or smallholding with Nick Mann of Habitat Aid.

Plants for bees in late winter: how your garden can help them through
If it’s warm in February the bees will be in trouble. Nick Mann of Habitat Aid explains how you can help with plants for bees in your garden.