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Articles by Nick Mann

Nick Mann has lived in Somerset since 2001, from where he runs his business Habitat Aid. Through selling hedge plants he became interested in hedgelaying (which he learnt to do locally) and the history and role of hedges in the landscape. He writes on this and other gardening and environmental topics.

Articles by

Nick Mann

Laying a Hedge with ‘dead hedge’ and woodchips rather than a bonfire

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The first time I watched a hedge being laid was way back in the day. I vividly remember the enormous bonfire that followed, as the contractors burnt all the brash – with a little help from a can of diesel and some pallets. I saw it from Castle Cary, a good three miles away, and I thought the house had gone up. Yikes.

Read more about Laying a Hedge with ‘dead hedge’ and woodchips rather than a bonfire