Articles by Dil Green
Articles by
Dil Green

Commoning the flax/textile industry: Dil Green of Mutual Credit Services
I’m talking with Dil Green of Mutual Credit Services, who design models for building the commons in all sectors of the economy. Today we’re talking about building a textile commons around the flax / linen industry.

Solving the housing crisis via the commons, Part 2: the Housing Commons
This is Part 2 of a two-parter, about how the housing crisis causes debt-bondage and wage-slavery, and how the housing Commons can release people from debt and give them freedom to do what they know needs to be done.

Festival of Commoning, Sep 2024: tickets now on sale
Tickets for the Festival of Commoning are now on sale. Stroud, Sep 13 & 14, 2024.

Solving the housing crisis via the commons, Part 1: the housing crisis
This is Part 1 of a two-parter, about how the housing crisis causes debt-bondage and wage-slavery, and how the housing Commons can release people from debt and give them freedom to do what they know needs to be done.

A ‘Transcender Manifesto’ for a world beyond capitalism. A seed.
Dil Green is a founder member of Mutual Credit Services, who are working with Stroud Commons to design models for the commons economy for various sectors of the economy. This article first appeared on his blog 5 years ago, but it’s so relevant to the current commons movement, that we’re re-posting it here.

Festival of Commoning, Stroud, Gloucs, Sep 13-15, 2024
A Festival of Commoning in the UK: Stroud, Gloucestershire, September 13/14/15 2024. The time is right for a Festival of the Commons.

How to build an energy commons
This is a draft outline of a design for an energy commons in any town – an energy sector owned by communities, providing affordable, locally-generated, renewable energy.

More on the money problem: it doesn’t have to be ‘scarce’
Following on from a recent post by Tom Greco, on the essential nature of money, Dil Green of Lowimpact.org and Mutual Credit Services here talks about its apparent scarcity, how that negatively affects our communities and our well-being, and how it could be different – based on mutual credit and the commons economy.

Commons housing: another brief explainer, this time by Dil Green
Brief introduction to a new model of commons housing to replace the current, broken housing market.

Two planks – and a bridge – to the new economy
This article accompanies and enlarges upon the interview with Dil Green that we published recently, as part of series of articles on a forthcoming book about building a new economy around a mutual credit core.

Mutual credit clubs: an introduction, with Dil Green
Dil Green had the original idea for ‘mutual credit clubs’ that can federate to create a new global trading system. He’s brought together a group of people to form Mutual Credit Services (MCS) to start to build this federation (new website coming soon).

The Money and Society MOOC — and my subsequent adventures in mutual credit
The Money & Society MOOC was launched by Matthew Slater and Jem Bendell in 2014. In four dense but perfectly assimilable 2-hour videos, it blows open your understanding of economics, in an incredibly liberating and empowering way.

Community wealth building & mutual credit: a match made in heaven?
This is the third in a series of articles about community wealth building and mutual credit, by Dave Darby and Dil Green of Lowimpact.org and the Open Credit Network.

Covid-19 Mutual Aid Groups should look to Mutual Credit for economic resilience
This is the second in a series of articles this week about how mutual credit can help us get through the economic problems caused by the corona virus. The main points to get across are: There’s going to be a shortage of money. Mutual credit is a moneyless trading system. That’s it! Mutual credit can …

Moving towards post-capitalism, or: why I’m working on mutual credit
Looking ahead to a future post-capitalism, Dil Green of NonCorporate.org shares how and why he’s working on mutual credit as one of its core pillars. This piece was originally published on the blog ‘Digital Anthropology‘.

A ‘Transcender Manifesto’ for a world beyond capitalism
Dil Green shares a Transcender Manifesto for groups to develop networks of transcendent social relations for a world beyond capitalism.

How do we build a new, non-extractive economy? Dil Green of Lowimpact.org
How can we build a new, non-extractive economy? Dave Darby interviews Lowimpact.org’s Dil Green to find out.

We’re launching a national mutual credit scheme and here’s why we’d like you to join
We’re working with other groups, including Open.coop, the Credit Commons Collective and author Tom Greco to build a UK-wide mutual credit network.