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Articles by Dave Darby

Dave Darby founded in 2001, spent 3 years on the board of the Ecological Land Co-op and is a founder member of and the Open Credit Network.

Articles by

Dave Darby

Could this be the home of a new community and eco-centre?

Would you like to be involved in the setting up of a new community and eco-centre in the English Midlands?

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Not far from Worcester is a stunning Grade II mansion house, 50+ rooms, stable blocks, 2-bed detatched gatehouse, 21 acres of woodland plus huge walled garden., plus other like-minded organisations, would like to secure it as an intentional community

Read more about Would you like to be involved in the setting up of a new community and eco-centre in the English Midlands?


Live from the Real Farming Conference: why genetically-engineered food is about politics not science

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I’m at the Real Farming Conference in Oxford, and I’m writing this as a session on GM food is taking place. I’m sorry to have missed it, but I fell into a conversation until it was too late to join the session. However, I know someone who attended that session, and she’ll hopefully write a

Read more about Live from the Real Farming Conference: why genetically-engineered food is about politics not science


Live from the Real Farming Conference: Equality in the Countryside – a rural manifesto

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I’m blogging from the Real Farming Conference in Oxford, in Oxford Town Hall. This is the seventh annual conference, set up as a counter to the corporate farming conference running at the university in Oxford. I wasn’t expecting such a huge affair – 850 attendees, with some fantastic sessions.

Read more about Live from the Real Farming Conference: Equality in the Countryside – a rural manifesto


Review of ‘Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi’ by Mark Boyle – part 1: reformism and the Transition movement

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This was a very challenging and thought-provoking read. Mark lived without money for three years, and wrote the Moneyless Manifesto, published in 2012. This is his latest book about the corporate ‘Machine’ and appropriate responses to it.

Read more about Review of ‘Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi’ by Mark Boyle – part 1: reformism and the Transition movement


How has the 2008 financial crash affected the wealth of the rich and the poor, and what can we do about it?

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Have we all suffered equally since the crash of 2008? Have we all shared in the austerity? Well, no – the gap between the rich and the poor is widening in the UK, the US and in fact, in the OECD. In the US, Robert Reich reports that 95% of economic gains since 2009 have

Read more about How has the 2008 financial crash affected the wealth of the rich and the poor, and what can we do about it?


3 shopping days to Christmas – a plea not to buy any more tat

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Last minute Christmas shopping? Well, this is our last-minute plea for you not to do it. I was recently invited to a party with a ‘secret Santa’ that invited people to buy presents for less than £5. It’s a nice thought, but it inevitably resulted in a barrage of plastic trinkets that won’t last until

Read more about 3 shopping days to Christmas – a plea not to buy any more tat

Unless your house is old, you probably don’t have rising damp, and if you do, modern damp-proofing methods probably won’t work

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Twentieth-century homes tend to contain a lot of non-breathable materials – cement, metal, plastics, impervious paints and renders. Damp-proof barriers prevent rising damp, but the sealed, waterproof, non-breathable approach of modern building brings its own problems

Read more about Unless your house is old, you probably don’t have rising damp, and if you do, modern damp-proofing methods probably won’t work


Can constantly-moving livestock help prevent desertification?

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Desertification is the process whereby grasslands slowly turn into deserts, and suggesting that we can help reverse this process with livestock sounds counter-intuitive, especially as livestock is usually named as one of the major contributors to desertification. In the video below, Allan Savory, who has spent a lifetime studying and working towards poverty eradication and wildlife conservation,

Read more about Can constantly-moving livestock help prevent desertification?

To all environmental groups: lifestyle change isn’t going to be enough to avert ecological catastrophe

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Someone said to me the other day that he associated ‘low-impact’ with lifestyle but not with politics or economics. Someone else asked why we blogged about TTIP, economic growth or system change when we were ‘just’ an environmental organisation.

Read more about To all environmental groups: lifestyle change isn’t going to be enough to avert ecological catastrophe