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Articles by Dave Darby

Dave Darby founded in 2001, spent 3 years on the board of the Ecological Land Co-op and is a founder member of and the Open Credit Network.

Articles by

Dave Darby


Where does money really come from? (erratum: there is no fractional reserve system in the UK)

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There is a simple conception of the banking system – that banks look after money for savers, and pay them interest. They then loan out that money to other people and charge them a slightly higher rate of interest, and that’s where they make their profit.

Read more about Where does money really come from? (erratum: there is no fractional reserve system in the UK)


Review of Ralph Ibbott’s book ‘Ujamaa: the hidden story of Tanzania’s socialist villages’ and how I was lied to in Tanzania

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I have a special interest in this book. As a young man in the 1980s I’d read Julius Nyerere’s Ujamaa (Swahili for “togetherness”, “unity” or “familyhood”). I was inspired by his vision of a co-operative, non-hierarchical society based on sustainable villages

Read more about Review of Ralph Ibbott’s book ‘Ujamaa: the hidden story of Tanzania’s socialist villages’ and how I was lied to in Tanzania

Is it a good idea to recruit (in N America and Europe) for sustainable living apprenticeships in Peru?

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We’ve just been approached by someone running ‘sustainable living apprenticeships’ in Peru, asking if there’s anywhere to promote them on our site. This sort of thing happens all the time, by the way – yoga retreats in India, conferences in Malaysia, meditation on Greek islands etc.

Read more about Is it a good idea to recruit (in N America and Europe) for sustainable living apprenticeships in Peru?


Mutualism: a philosophy for changing society with a difference – it’s implementable

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There are lots of ideas for changing the world – from voting to demonstrations, petitions, lifestyle change, incremental change, revolutionary change, or more of the same, only harder. The problem with many of them is that they are either ineffective or not implementable.

Read more about Mutualism: a philosophy for changing society with a difference – it’s implementable


‘Trade Secrets’ legislation: another little piece of the corporate takeover that most people won’t know about

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EU Trade Secrets legislation will criminalise whistleblowers and journalists who expose corporations and their products or services. It’s another in a long list of steps aiming to put corporations above the law, but the rest of us very much under it.

Read more about ‘Trade Secrets’ legislation: another little piece of the corporate takeover that most people won’t know about


What’s the relative value of the world’s gold, Bitcoins, banknotes, derivatives, stocks & shares, property etc. See this incredible visualisation

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Do you have any idea of the value of all the Bitcoins in the world, compared to, say, the value of all the silver in the world, or compared to the wealth of Warren Buffet, or compared to the amount of global debt etc.?

Read more about What’s the relative value of the world’s gold, Bitcoins, banknotes, derivatives, stocks & shares, property etc. See this incredible visualisation


Read this German MP’s account of the TTIP reading room and decide what you think about TTIP ‘transparency’

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So, you all know about TTIP? Here’s a link if you don’t, plus see the posts to the right. It’s a proposed ‘trade deal’ that is designed to give more of our economy to the corporate sector. It’s supposed to be ‘transparent’, but of course it’s completely secret.

Read more about Read this German MP’s account of the TTIP reading room and decide what you think about TTIP ‘transparency’

NHS Chief Executive was a founder member of an organisation lobbying for health to be included in TTIP

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Just allow a few seconds for that to sink in. Simon Stevens was Vice President of UnitedHealth Group, the largest health insurer in the US. He was in charge of global expansion of their business. Now he’s Chief Executive of the NHS.

Read more about NHS Chief Executive was a founder member of an organisation lobbying for health to be included in TTIP


The discipline of economics presupposes corporate capitalism and perpetual growth, which renders it invalid

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Economics is not an unbiased academic discipline, it’s an ideology. Furthermore, economics is based on the false premise that perpetual growth is achievable. It is not, and the reason most people can’t see this is

Read more about The discipline of economics presupposes corporate capitalism and perpetual growth, which renders it invalid


Review of ‘Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi’ by Mark Boyle – part 2: the role of violence

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This is the second article generated from Mark Boyle’s book Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi. The first was about the ineffectiveness of reformism when faced with corporate capitalism – ‘The Machine’ as he calls it.

Read more about Review of ‘Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi’ by Mark Boyle – part 2: the role of violence


US bans pipeline, TransCanada sues US taxpayers for $15 billion. How TTIP will transfer wealth from taxpayers to corporations

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Investor-state dispute settlements (ISDS) have been around for over fifty years. Originally meant to protect investors from losses due to government actions – what may have seemed a good idea at the time has spiralled out of control

Read more about US bans pipeline, TransCanada sues US taxpayers for $15 billion. How TTIP will transfer wealth from taxpayers to corporations