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Articles by Dave Darby

Dave Darby founded in 2001, spent 3 years on the board of the Ecological Land Co-op and is a founder member of and the Open Credit Network.

Articles by

Dave Darby

New publication: how to use gasification technology on a small-scale

| 0 has a new publication, and as far as we know, it’s a first – a book about using gasification technology on a small-scale. If you have access to woody biomass waste, this technology could be for you. It’s full-colour, 170 pages, and it’s available here.

Read more about New publication: how to use gasification technology on a small-scale

A brief history of philosophy, part 3: Augustine reconciles Christianity with Plato

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Augustine (354-430) was a bridge between the classical world and the medieval, Christian world. He reconciled Christianity with Plato, and his immaterial world of forms – a much easier task than reconciling Aristotle, with his scientific outlook and emphasis on reason.

Read more about A brief history of philosophy, part 3: Augustine reconciles Christianity with Plato


How many of us could give a rough overview of the history of philosophy? Part 1: Thales to Socrates

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It may seem like a strange question from an environmental organisation. But the way that we think nowadays didn’t just fall from the sky – it’s not ‘common sense’ and it hasn’t always been the same. We’re not born with a worldview – it’s something that we develop from what’s gone before.

Read more about How many of us could give a rough overview of the history of philosophy? Part 1: Thales to Socrates


Ha Joon Chang: ‘increasing corporate power is at the heart of TTIP’

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Ha Joon Chang, author of 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism and Economics: The User’s Guide explains that TTIP is not about ‘free trade’ – trade is already more-or-less free. TTIP is about helping corporations to sue countries if they dare to do anything – anything at all – that can be shown

Read more about Ha Joon Chang: ‘increasing corporate power is at the heart of TTIP’


Obama says we’ll be ‘at the back of the queue’ for TTIP if we leave the EU; that’s the best argument I’ve heard for Brexit

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Trade deals (and in fact, the EU) exist to maximise growth and to orient our economies towards exports. From an environmental perspective, this is the exact opposite of what we should be doing.

Read more about Obama says we’ll be ‘at the back of the queue’ for TTIP if we leave the EU; that’s the best argument I’ve heard for Brexit


Stephen Hawking says that we should prioritise space travel and that ‘philosophy is dead’; cleverness and wisdom are very different

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There’s clever and there’s clever. There’s clever like a computer or a calculator, and then there’s clever as in wise. The first kind of cleverness is the technical type, that can work out how to build nuclear weapons, or to genetically modify food crops, or to cut through the branch that we’re sitting on

Read more about Stephen Hawking says that we should prioritise space travel and that ‘philosophy is dead’; cleverness and wisdom are very different