Articles by Dan McCallum
Dan is the co-founder of Awel Aman Tawe, a community energy charity and has been manager since 2000. Dan has been involved in every aspect of the project since the start and has shared his experience with a range of community energy projects across the UK. He works with DECC as part of the Contact Group which helped developed the UK’s first Community Energy Strategy. He has a 2.1 BA degree in modern history from Oxford University. His work experience includes two years as a Programme Co-ordinator for Oxfam in Iraqi Kurdistan, and two years as Middle East and Africa Programme Manager for the Minority Rights Group.
Articles by
Dan McCallum

Wind farm open day, July 4th: see what it’s like inside a giant turbine, and ask questions in the pub afterwards
It’s Community Energy Fortnight from June 24th – July 9th and all over the country there are events to galvanise support for clean power. To celebrate this and to draw attention to Global Wind Day, we are opening up one of Awel’s turbines for people to see inside a wind turbine.

Stunning film of blades lifted onto a giant wind turbine that you can become a co-owner of
Double BAFTA-Cymru winner, Mike Harrison, has made a stunning short film, capturing the moments that the blades are lifted onto one of our turbines at dawn.

Do you want to co-own a community wind farm – from £50?
We are really excited to be re-opening the Share Offer for our community windfarm. We raised £734k from our first Share Offer before Christmas and now want to hit the £1,000,000 target.

Egni: sustainable investment and clean energy
Another great community renewables project. Please pass these on to anyone you think may be looking for an ethical investment that will get more renewable energy into the grid, and start to take control of our electricity supply