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12/2023 posts

Explaining the commons economy

Dave Darby of | 17-Dec-2023 | 6

The word ‘commons’ can mean different things to different people. We’ve been working with specialists to help build the commons economy, so we’d like to concisely describe what we mean, and how you can join us. Read more

How strawbale construction can help reduce your carbon footprint

Dainella Nartker of Straw Bale | 15-Dec-2023 | 0

How can strawbale construction support a low carbon lifestyle? Read more

Eco-friendly surface cleaner

Ryan Bomzer of Carved Culture | 07-Dec-2023 | 0

A simple recipe for home made surface cleaner using natural ingredients. Read more

Helping commons groups form and grow in Stroud and other towns (and countries)

Dave Darby of | 05-Dec-2023 | 2

Commons ideas have gone down well in Stroud and we have thriving groups in various sectors. We’ve been approached by formative groups in several towns in the UK and in other countries. Read more

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