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11/2023 posts

You can help develop non-corporate digital tools to support collaboration between community groups

Are you sick of having to always use corporate software, that uses your data to track your activities, to try to sell you things, and who knows what else? Read more

New edition of Wind and Solar launched!

Andy Reynolds author, instructor, experimenter, forester, and long term promoter of low impact and self reliant living has partnered with to release an updated version of his popular book ‘Wind and Solar Electricity: A practical DIY guide’. Read more

Restanza and the cultural commons

Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 20-Nov-2023 | 0

We’d like to see the commons economy grow to allow people (especially young people) to stay in their communities, rather than having to move to big cities to work in the corporate sector and pay extortionate rents. Here, Paul Jennings (who we’re liaising with about the commons in Llandeilo) talks about the concept of ‘Restanza’… Continue reading Restanza and the cultural commons Read more

Surviving the future: The deeper dive 2024

Autumn has always been my favourite season, and over recent years it brings additional succour, signalling time to start preparing in earnest for the winter’s Deeper Dive. This now-annual tradition has become a real highlight of my year, as a new small group capped at just fifty folk gathers to reflect meaningfully on our tumultuous times,… Continue reading Surviving the future: The deeper dive 2024 Read more

Free online: 2024 revised and expanded edition of ‘The End of Money’

Tom Greco of Beyond Money | 06-Nov-2023 | 1

I read the first edition of this book around 12 years ago. It changed my life and put me on the path to where I am now – trying to build the commons economy. New 2024 edition, free online. Read more

The first weeks of self-build at Church Grove, south London

Read about the progress with a self-build project from RUSS in Ladywell. Shaped by future residents from the start. Read more

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