Info, news & debate

03/2023 posts

The transition to renewable energy will not / cannot happen within the current economy

This is the first of a two-part conversation, about whether we can transition to renewable energy within the current system, or whether we need system change. Read more

20 year research project reveals devastating loss of British and Irish flora

What has causes a devestating decline in British and Irish flora? Read more

Degrowth or ‘green growth’?

Rosalie Bull of CASSE | 19-Mar-2023 | 10

Degrowth’s foundational opposition to continued economic expansion presents a clear challenge to coalition-building on climate. But degrowth is grounded in the ecological reality that resources are finite, a key truth that mainstream climate advocates seem to ignore. Read more

Upcycling an old frame into a chalk board

Learn how to upcycle an old and broken mirror or picture frame into an interesting chalk board. Read more

Stroud Commons part 2: starting a ‘commoners club’

Dave Darby of | 12-Mar-2023 | 3

A group of us in Stroud (Gloucs) have formed a ‘commoners club’ to try to build commons infrastructure here, and to document what happens so that it can be replicated in other towns. Read more

Housing co-op seeking founder members

Lusan Housing Co-op is a fully mutual co-operative, registered with the FCA and applying to join Radical Routes. There’s six of us at the moment and we’re actively seeking more founder members. We are going to start raising loanstock in April and hope to buy land and buildings somewhere in Dumfries and Galloway later this… Continue reading Housing co-op seeking founder members Read more

Worried about fruit & veg rationing? Let’s grow our own, in our communities

Dave Darby of | 05-Mar-2023 | 2

Every so often something happens that punctures our sense of what’s normal. In the UK one of those events was empty shelves that used to display fruit and veg. Then supermarkets began rationing some food items. Read more

Bring on the peat ban – no garden should cost the Earth

Meg Griffiths of Plantlife | 01-Mar-2023 | 4

Despite UK-wide commitments to end the use of peat in horticulture, the legislation needed to make this happen is still frustratingly out of reach. This week, an official announcement on the ban in England was postponed because of the Conservative Party leadership election; and the other three administrations have no firm plans on the table.… Continue reading Bring on the peat ban – no garden should cost the Earth Read more

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