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07/2022 posts

Can governments solve the climate problem?

Dave Darby of | 31-Jul-2022 | 2

Short answer: no, because governments are fixated on maximising GDP growth, which is the root cause of the climate crisis, and which far outweighs any (rare) beneficial legislation that they might introduce. Read more

Consider gifting land to the Ecological Land Coop to support agroecological farming

At Low impact we love to hear about our companion organizations’ successes, this reblog from the ecological land coop describes why we are celebrating. The ecological land coop have been inspired to try a new approach in their campaign to reawaken our rural economies after they were gifted land by two very noble ecologically minded farmers in Wales… Read more

New tools and ideas for building the commons economy

Dave Darby of | 24-Jul-2022 | 6

The Commons economy is not, like capitalism, built around the private ownership of the means of production – but neither is it, like socialism, built on the state ownership of those means. It’s about reinstating the commons, that have been gradually enclosed over the centuries, first by the state and more recently by capitalists. Read more

Reflections on building the ‘Commons’ economy

Dave Darby of | 17-Jul-2022 | 0

Lowimpact has been around since 2001, and we’ve provided lots of ways to help people live more sustainably. We’re going to also be focusing on how to build the ‘commons’ economy in future, as a viable alternative to the status quo. Read more

Communicating about degrowth, with Mark Burton of Steady-state Manchester

Constant GDP growth causes ecological damage – there’s the constant expansion in the use of energy and materials, and the by-products of their use. Read more

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