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04/2022 posts

Co-operative social care with sociocracy and mutual credit: Emma Back of the Equal Care Co-op

Emma Back of Equal Care Co-op | 10-Apr-2022 | 0

There are some very interesting aspects to the Equal Care Co-op, including ‘Teams’, sociocratic decision-making and an internal payments system that could be described as a cross between mutual credit, timebanking, tokenising, and recognition of informal labour, including emotional labour and care work. Read more

Big Solar Co-op: solar as a hedge against energy price rises

Jon Halle of Sharenergy | 06-Apr-2022 | 0

We’ve blogged before about the great work the Big Solar Co-op are doing, bringing solar into communities. Here Jon Halle explores the potential for solar to provide some protection against energy price rises for small businesses and community-based organisations. Read more

How the state favours big business and causes inflation with ‘Quantitative Sleazing’

A new essay on the economics of the pandemic suggests that the recent inflation is a sign that that failure is accelerating towards us. It’s an important reminder for us to ask ourselves how ready we are to both cope and help others in a crumbling economy. Read more

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