Info, news & debate
Year: 2018

Living and working as a horse logger in Scotland
Steffi Schaffler lives and works in Scotland, running a horse logging business along with her partner Dave and 3 horses.

Fancy learning to spin or weave or know someone else who would?
Are you tempted to give learning to spin or weave a whirl but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you have a friend or family member looking for a new craft challenge? Our new online courses are for you!

The Wool Journey Part 11: which yarn to make?
Sue Blacker of The Natural Fibre Company continues The Wool Journey with the all of important question: which yarn to make?

We’re launching a national mutual credit scheme and here’s why we’d like you to join
We’re working with other groups, including, the Credit Commons Collective and author Tom Greco to build a UK-wide mutual credit network.

Of watermelons and apples: climate breakdown, growth, trade, state and money (an open letter to George Monbiot)
Dear George, Congratulations on your contribution to the Moral Maze last week – I switched on the radio just as your volley articulating the ideological differentiation between fiscal and legal rationing fairly seared the waves.

Is the Western mindset the source of our current ecological and social problems?
What was it about European cultural development that led to the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, capitalism and environmental destruction? Why didn’t it happen in the apparently much more fertile ground of China, India or the Arab world?

Are you ‘radical’, and if not, why not?
I’m using the original definition of the word, not its bastardisation that over the years has come to be used as a kind of insult in some circles. I’ve been called ‘too radical’, and I want to show why that’s an absurdity.

Jo’s Mini Meadow Part 6: magic of the wool carder bee and leafcutter bee
Jo Cartmell of NearbyWild shares Part 6 of her mini meadow series. This time, she has a close encounter with two very special guests to her garden: a wool carder bee and leafcutter bee.

LED lighting: is it the way forward for offices?
With halogen bulbs being phased out across Europe, the future is looking bright for LED lighting. We learn from Martin Cross at INUI about the benefits it has to offer, particularly for office workers.

Is technology the problem? Conversation with Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan
This is a conversation between Dave Darby of and Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan. Dave (K) is opposed to the ‘technocracy’ that he describes as the root cause of environmental destruction and lack of democracy.

How to build a cob oven in your garden with Sigi Koko – Part 2
Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares a step-by-step building process to help you build your very own outdoor cob oven using local natural materials.

How to build a cob oven in your garden with Sigi Koko – Part 1
We learn from Sigi Koko at Down to Earth Design about how to build a cob oven using local natural materials and firewood as fuel. In this first installment, she covers the preparation stages.

Gross Domestic Problem on World Animal Day with Brian Czech
Thursday 4th October marked World Animal Day 2018. Here, Brian Czech challenges us to face up to the big-picture, systematic erosion of wild animal welfare in the face of a seemingly continual quest for economic growth.

Why my farm is not a “permaculture farm” with Marit Parker of Just Wild – Garw Teg
Farmer and permaculture practitioner Marit Parker of Just Wild-Garw Teg shares why she chose not to label her farm in Wales as a “permaculture farm”.

Seeking future farmers for East Sussex: apply to be a smallholder with the Ecological Land Cooperative
The Ecological Land Cooperative opens smallholder applications for future farmers at their East Sussex site, continuing the work of generating ecological farming opportunities and rural enterprise. We hear from Lauren Simpson about how you can apply for this unique opportunity.

Permaculture pigs: integrating pigs into a permaculture design
Firstly I should state there is no such thing as a permaculture pig, but rather pigs woven in to a permaculture design. Firstly we have to look carefully at every element we are planning on putting in to our design.

Ten top tips for running a market stall or craft fayre stall
Today we’re sharing ten tips for running a market stall or craft fayre stall from the folks behind The Soap Kitchen.

CSA Network UK AGM and inspiring photography exhibition – all in a day!
If you’re in London on 16th October, don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to celebrate community supported agriculture at the CSA Network UK AGM and be inspired by the Feed the World photography exhibition.

How could we build a viable alternative to the current, bank-controlled money system? Interview with Matthew Slater of the Credit Commons Collective
This week we’re talking with Matthew Slater of the Credit Commons Collective, working to build a mutualist, credit-based alternative to the current money system.

Pottery on the wild side: digging your own clay
Digging your own clay – too much hassle or a whole lot of fun? We hear from Ruby Taylor of Native Hands about how to source your own clay, as she does for her wild pottery courses in Sussex. Over to her from here…