Info, news & debate

Month: July 2018

Co-operative smartphones are coming!

Co-operative smartphones are coming: Nithin Coca interviews the chair of KDIM Co-op

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You can get yourself a co-operative phone and broadband provider – the Phone Co-op. But you can’t get a phone made by a co-operative – not in the UK, anyway. Nithin Coca reports from Indonesia on a co-operative in Jakarta producing low-end, cheap phones for their home market.

Read more about Co-operative smartphones are coming: Nithin Coca interviews the chair of KDIM Co-op

The Bridport Cohousing group

Living together 2: community land trust – interview with Monica King of Bridport Cohousing

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This is the first in a series of interviews with people involved in setting up alternative, co-operative living arrangements – cohousing, community land trusts, housing co-ops, intentional communities etc. A group of us in London hope to gather information to help us start our own project.

Read more about Living together 2: community land trust – interview with Monica King of Bridport Cohousing

Interested in building with straw? Don’t miss The Big Straw Bale Gathering!

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It’s not too late to join the biggest straw-bale building event of the year this August in Swansea. Jeffrey Hart of SBUK tells us about how you can get involved, learning all about building with straw from an impressive line-up of speakers to hands-on workshops.

Read more about Interested in building with straw? Don’t miss The Big Straw Bale Gathering!

Interested in starting a cohousing project? This community shows it can be achieved.

Living together 1: exploring the options for starting a cohousing project

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My partner and I have decided that we want to sell our house and come together with other people to create some sort of cohousing / community living project. But how many other people? And where will it be? Will it be a new-build project, or will it involve converting or combining an existing propery

Read more about Living together 1: exploring the options for starting a cohousing project