Info, news & debate
Year: 2018

We should be much more worried about an ecological crash than a financial crash
A few years ago, I was having a beer in the bar at King’s Cross narrowboat marina, when someone called Fred asked me what I did. When I said that I worked for an environmental organisation, he came up with a classic line that I’ve quoted many times since.

How to build an adobe earthen floor with Sigi Koko (Part 3)
Sigi Koko teaches us the different approaches to the levelling layer in Part 3 of how to build an adobe earthen floor.

How to build an adobe earthen floor with Sigi Koko (Part 2)
In Part 2 of how to build an adobe earthen floor, Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design tackles the all important base layer.

How to build an adobe earthen floor with Sigi Koko (Part 1)
Natural builder Sigi Koko of Down to Earth Design shares how to build an adobe floor. In Part 1, we learn about the substrate through to the insulation layer critical for any earthen floor.

How do we grow the community-supported agriculture sector? Maresa Bossano, co-ordinator of the UK CSA Network
This week we’re talking with Maresa Bossano, who is the co-ordinator for the Community-Supported Agriculture Network in the UK.

An exciting opportunity to develop a natural building design company
Leading straw-bale builder Barbara Jones shares news of an exciting opportunity to develop a growing design company in the natural building world. The author of Building with Straw Bales and star of our straw-bale building online course tells us more from here.

How to source timber: a joiner’s point of view
From growing the trees to selecting the right timber for the job, Andy Reynolds brings a lifetime of experience in forestry, carpentry and innovative thinking to timber for building. Here he explains how to source timber as responsibly as you can.

Can we build a platform co-op to challenge Über? Interview with Duncan McCann of the New Economics Foundation
Dave of / talks with Duncan McCann of the New Economics Foundation (see video below), about platform co-ops. Duncan is starting a taxi platform co-op called Faircab, to challenge Über.

How to gather, store and eat sweet chestnuts
It’s that time of year when the delicious smell of roasting chestnuts fills the air. Jessie Watson Brown shares her tips for foraging, cooking and storing sweet chestnuts for year-round use.

Why pyrolysis and ‘plastic to fuels’ is not a solution to the plastics problem
Energy engineer Dr Andrew Rollinson sets out the case as to why pyrolysis and ‘plastic to fuels’ is not a sustainable solution to the plastics problem.

The coming crash, and why co-ops are so important: Mark Simmonds of Co-op Culture
Mark Simmonds gave us some free advice that saved us hundreds of pounds when we were setting up as a workers’ co-op. We talk about his work, and get deeper into the philosophy of co-operation.

Record numbers clean up in the Marine Conservation Society’s 25th Great British Beach Clean
Results show community clean-ups have made a dent in beach litter figures this year but this masks a growing plastic litter trend, according to organisers of the Great British Beach Clean, the Marine Conservation Society.

Be part of keeping UK community-owned wind power alive
From launching Scotland’s first 100% co-operatively-owned wind turbine to supporting community solar and hydro-electricity projects across the country, Sharenergy are working hard to keep UK community-owned wind power and more alive in the UK.

How can permaculture contribute to building a new economy? Conversation with Andy Goldring of the Permaculture Association
We’re going to be publishing a range of videos of interviews with key people involved in building the new economy – an economy that is democratic, non-extractive and sustainable.

Big news for Bridport Cohousing CLT as a planning decision is reached
We share exciting news from Bridport Cohousing CLT in Dorset, as they celebrate a landmark step in their work to build a neighbourhood with a difference. Over to them to tell us more from here.

How the EU is causing problems for the ‘Preston Model’ of local, non-corporate procurement
I’ve often suggested that Western states are beginning to resemble an admin department for the corporate sector.

The Wool Journey Part 12: spinning at last!
In Part 12 of The Wool Journey, spinning commences at the Natural Fibre Company mill in Cornwall. Over to Sue Blacker to tell us more…

How to make your own natural paint with milk
Whether it’s for your kitchen walls or your 5 year old’s latest masterpiece, Sigi Koko shares her simple recipes for homemade natural paint with milk.

Europe: it’s time to end the growth dependency
We don’t usually blog about petitions – it feels a bit too much like begging, rather than doing things for ourselves and building alternatives from grassroots. However, this petition is too important to ignore, and politicians need to hear it, even though they might not be close to understanding it.

Why natural soap is naturally better, for your skin and for the planet
When is soap not really soap? More often than you might think. Bas de Vries of Quincessentials explores why natural soap is naturally better.