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05/2017 posts

Resilient networks: building a low-tech internet

A solution to the absence of high-speed wireless networks across some developing countries and increasingly appearing in the form of WiFi based community networks in numerous countries in Europe, building a low-tech internet could have benefits for all. With excerpts from an original Low-tech Magazine article by Kris De Decker, we explore how a less resource-intensive and more energy-efficient… Continue reading Resilient networks: building a low-tech internet Read more

Part-time work available in the team

Dave Darby of | 25-May-2017 | 12

We are offering a little part-time job. It’s only around 10 hours per month, so it could fit in nicely with what you’re doing already. It involves looking after a category on the site, and keeping everything updated. Read more

Fantastic volunteering opportunity with the Permaculture Podcast – could it be you or someone you know?

Scarlett Penn of WWOOF UK | 24-May-2017 | 0

Daniel Tyrkiel is so dedicated he gets up at 4am every single day. On weekdays it’s so he can to study how to regenerate soil in order to store carbon, clean water, prevent flooding and produce nutritious food, without the need for any chemicals. On weekends it’s to edit his brilliant podcast series, which documents what’s happening… Continue reading Fantastic volunteering opportunity with the Permaculture Podcast – could it be you or someone you know? Read more

Can you imagine a world without money? Summary of the ‘credit commons’ idea and how it could be achieved

Dave Darby of | 21-May-2017 | 27

Last week I blogged about a potentially world-changing idea that could be labelled ‘credit commons’, or the catchy ‘global mutual credit system’. It’s a system of exchange that involves no money. It’s difficult to grasp at first, but the more you think about it, the more you realise that a) it’s implementable, and b) if… Continue reading Can you imagine a world without money? Summary of the ‘credit commons’ idea and how it could be achieved Read more

Step by step stickmaking: how to craft a ram’s horn crook

The modern ram’s horn shepherd’s crook has come a long way since it was first fashioned by shepherds in their crofts: from a purely practical tool with which to catch sheep with by neck or foot to a highly decorated piece of art work for stickmaking shows and competitions. Read more

The pros and cons of burning different types of wood for heating

Burning wood is a highly sustainable and environmentally friendly heating method. Burning wood on a high efficiency stove can create less CO2 than letting the same wood rot on the floor of a forest. Read more

One man and his sticks: meet stickmaker Joe Musialowski

A traditional rural skill sometimes overlooked, crook and stickmaking is making a comeback in the UK.’s Sophie Paterson spoke to Joe Musialowski of Wren Country Sticks about his journey to become a professional stickmaker and what the future might hold for this timeless country craft. Supplier of bespoke sticks, crooks and croziers for walkers, shepherds… Continue reading One man and his sticks: meet stickmaker Joe Musialowski Read more

This is the best attempt I’ve seen at building a sustainable, democratic, (and inevitably moneyless) economy. It’s worth understanding what they’re saying

Dave Darby of | 11-May-2017 | 20

If you’ve got a sneaking suspicion that whatever we do, we’re not going to transition to a sustainable, democratic future with the current money and banking system, then I agree with you. Read more

More plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050? Could you give up plastic?

The Marine Conservation Society is urging people to get through June without plastic. The Plastic Challenge will highlight our reliance on this substance of convenience. Read more

How money causes poverty (plus war and ecological destruction), and what could replace it

Dave Darby of | 07-May-2017 | 57

Exchange has always been part of the human story, whether between individuals, tribes or nations. Some people have what others don’t, due to geography or skill, and exchange is a means of getting what you don’t have, and giving what you have a surplus of. Read more

Car tyre foundations: a low-impact and affordable solution?

Last month,’s Sophie Paterson, a trainee with the School of Natural Building, took a hands-on approach learning how to construct recycled car tyre foundations on a Straw Works course at Holy Trinity Church in Tulse Hill, London. Read more

Farm Hack : growing innovative open-source agriculture

In response to the pervasive reach of the global agro-industrial complex, growing numbers of farmers across the world are coming together as co-operative organisations to promote and protect small-scale organic food production and environmental stewardship. We take a look below at some of the groups promoting open source agriculture with farmer driven technologies, spearheaded by the… Continue reading Farm Hack : growing innovative open-source agriculture Read more

What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in May

May is the most exciting month in your tunnel or greenhouse. This is the time to plant out your summer crops – your tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, cucumbers and basil. Read more

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