Info, news & debate

Month: August 2016

Trees as a renewable resource? It is possible in both the UK and USA

Why do Americans have a different attitude to Brits when it comes to using trees as a renewable resource?

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We’ve noticed from comments on our blogs and on social media that environmentally-conscious Americans have a slightly different attitude to using trees as a renewable resource – whether for firewood or for timber – than that prevalent in the UK.

Read more about Why do Americans have a different attitude to Brits when it comes to using trees as a renewable resource?


A brief history of philosophy, part 13: continental vs. analytic philosophy

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Twentieth century philosophy split very roughly into ‘analytic’ (mainly in the English-speaking world) and ‘continental’ (mainly in mainland Europe), and was influenced heavily by contributions to the way we think about ourselves and the rest of existence from two non-philosophers: Freud and Einstein.

Read more about A brief history of philosophy, part 13: continental vs. analytic philosophy


A brief history of philosophy, part 12: socialism, utopianism and anarchism

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Karl Marx (1818-1883) is possibly the most studied philosopher in history. He said that the point of philosophy is not to understand the world, but to change it – and change it he did, with an idea, although he never saw the effects of his idea after its interpretation and implementation by others after his

Read more about A brief history of philosophy, part 12: socialism, utopianism and anarchism