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12/2014 posts

New phone? Maybe it’s a Fairphone for you in 2015? Here’s why.

Dave Darby of | 31-Dec-2014 | 1

Dave of interviews Lucy Neal, Dave Mauger and Emily Oliver of Transition Town Tooting about Fairphone. is constantly looking for sustainable ways to provide the basic necessities of life Read more

New website, new name & the power of networking

Dave Darby of | 23-Dec-2014 | 1

Goodbye old website (left), hello new website (right) – and with the new website comes a new name. Since we started in 2001, we’ve always had a bit of a problem with our name. Read more

How to turn trees into houses, and why it’s a good idea

Dave Darby of | 06-Dec-2014 | 1

There’s a lot of talk these days about ‘carbon sequestration’ – how to lock up carbon from the atmosphere in various ways, including: Read more

What low-impacters are up to around the country: Greystoke Cycle Cafe

Proper seasonal tea garden cafés (i.e. just with a tea garden facility and no indoor space as a cosy backup) are few and far between in this country – especially in the north (thanks largely to the weather) Read more

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