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10/2014 posts

Why Adam Smith, father of capitalism, would have hated neoliberalism

Dave Darby of | 30-Oct-2014 | 2

1776 was a very good year. The US declared independence and Adam Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations. Both of these events helped mark the transition to a new world; both have contributed enormously to human freedom, and have therefore been claimed by neoliberals as their own. Read more

Help put energy into the hands of local people, and make yourself a bit of money at the same time

David Calver of Low-Carbon Hub | 21-Oct-2014 | 0

The Low Carbon Hub has just launched its 2014 community share offer to raise £1.5 million investment into its first wave of renewable energy schemes for Oxfordshire. Read more

Are we ‘silenced by economic power’? Paris 2015 and the Hartwell Paper

In December 2011, South Africa welcomed the United Nations Framing Convention on Climate Change. The host city was Durban, where a number of years before, and just after his release from prison, Nelson Mandela had Read more

Where do banks get the money for mortgages from?

Dave Darby of | 08-Oct-2014 | 1

The simple answer is that they don’t have it. They check your credit record, decide you’re OK, type some numbers into a computer and suddenly you owe them a significant portion of your income for 25 years, plus interest. Read more

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