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09/2013 posts

The science behind the environmental benefits of clay plasters

Adam Weismann of Clayworks | 25-Sep-2013 | 0

Clay plasters are beautiful alright – see Clayworks’ efforts in a restaurant in London (above), and see here for more about clay plasters. But for those of you who want more evidence for the benefits of clay plasters Read more

Have you heard of thermoelectric generators?

Have you come across thermoelectric generators (TEGs)? They are a way of generating electricity from heat, using the ‘Seebeck effect’ – so, for example, they can be strapped to the side of a wood stove to provide electricity for lighting. Read more

Do you think you live in a democracy?

Dave Darby of | 12-Sep-2013 | 0

You can’t change anything by voting. Or, as Emma Goldman put it: ‘if voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal’. Politicians can rearrange deckchairs but they can’t steer the ship away from the iceberg Read more

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