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08/2013 posts

Eigg: community-owned island & the 1st completely wind, water and sun electricity grid in the world

Sometimes a story will remind us that things can be done differently. The Isle of Eigg story is one of them. For more details of exactly what happened on Eigg, see Alastair Mcintosh’s book Soil and Soul (available here). Read more

Invitation to visit or join Grow Heathrow

Sam of Grow Heathrow | 27-Aug-2013 | 0

One of’s staff recently visited Grow Heathrow and was really impressed with their organisation, their gardens and their opposition to the damaging growth in air travel, airports and the proposed new runway at Heathrow. Read more

Is there such a thing as progress?

Dave Darby of | 12-Aug-2013 | 0

Here’s a blog I recently came across, by the ‘Archdruid’ – his argument is that the concept of ‘progress’ is now defunct and that science is just another story – a myth amongst many others that attempt to explain the universe. Read more

Every picture tells a story: the elites behind the fracking industry

NB: for a larger image click here. Let’s get one thing clear, this is not about conspiracy theories. This isn’t about a powerful elite meeting in darkened rooms to fondle their fluffy white cats whilst talking in menacing tones. Read more

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