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07/2013 posts

Help stop giant supermarkets taking over community assets

Dave Darby of | 24-Jul-2013 | 0

The lease has come up for renewal for a very popular pub called the Wheatsheaf in Tooting, south London, in a prime location opposite Tooting Bec tube station. Read more

Why narrowboaters should be allowed red diesel

Mark Hughes of Happy Being | 22-Jul-2013 | 0

Red diesel is a lower-taxed fuel, that the EU want to revoke from use by boaters in the UK. On my boat I’m living an incredibly low-impact, environmentally-friendly life Read more

Review of ‘Why Marx Was Right’ by Terry Eagleton

Dave Darby of | 18-Jul-2013 | 0

Review of Why Marx Was Right, by Terry Eagleton. Yes, we’re all looking for alternatives to capitalism – it destroys democracy, it eats nature and it’s vacuous – but you don’t have to have read any philosophy or economics Read more

Two more community-owned renewables schemes that you can get involved with

Jon Halle of Sharenergy | 08-Jul-2013 | 0

If you would like to see more community-owned co-operative renewable energy projects in the UK, there are practical ways that you can help. Over to Jon for some schemes you can invest in Read more

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