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06/2013 posts

FoWO (Federation of WWOOF Organisations) is born

There have been exciting developments in the world of WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities On Organic Farms) this month. The movement, which began in 1971, and links people who want to volunteer on organic farms Read more

Incredible opportunity to join a co-operative, low-impact smallholding project in Devon

Here’s some background to the Ecological Land Co-op’s project in Devon, and here’s a post celebrating the fact that they were successful in their planning application. Now they’re looking for people. Over to Shaun. Read more

Low-impact living opportunities in Argyll & Bute

Dave Darby of | 14-Jun-2013 | 5

We’ve had a bit of a heads-up from a partner (who wants to remain anonymous) and family who have been looking for land to start a smallholding for years, and are finally buying a bit of Scotland on the Cowal peninsula in Argyllshire. Read more

Monstanto 1, Vernon 0 – choose your side and get involved!

Oliver Swann of Natural Homes | 07-Jun-2013 | 0

Monsanto, one of three companies that control 53% of the world’s commercial seed market, has sued hundreds of small farmers in the United States in recent years to protect its patents on genetically-engineered seeds. Read more

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