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03/2013 posts

Pembrokeshire says this home is “harmful to the rural character of the locality” and must be demolished

Oliver Swann of Natural Homes | 23-Mar-2013 | 4

Charlie, who built this beautiful straw bale roundhouse, is a young man with a young family and like many finds it impossible to afford a home. In Charlie’s case he had three things going for him. Read more

What chemicals are used in fracking, and where do they go?

Dave Darby of | 15-Mar-2013 | 0

(Image: the wonderful Marty Two Bulls). Article in the Guardian today pleading the case for fracking by someone purporting to be ‘green’. He says that: ‘the toxic sludges brought back to the surface can cause pollution’ Read more

Review of Roger Scruton’s Green Philosophy

Dave Darby of | 12-Mar-2013 | 2

Roger Scruton is probably the nation’s most famous right-wing philosopher. So you might find it surprising that as a director of an environmental organisation, I found a lot to agree with in this book. Read more

Build your own solar phone charger

Norman Phipps has developed a weekend course on which you can build your own small solar electric panel from the scrap from the photovoltaics industry, with a USB port for a phone charger or an LED light. Read more

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