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02/2013 posts

Recognising wild food plants and getting in touch with your inner ape

A few summers ago I visited Monkey World, a picturesque Dorset home to mistreated apes and monkeys from across the globe. To my amazement I saw Capuchin monkeys picking blackberries and an Orang-Utan Read more

Land & freedom? launch of a new land project

Dave Darby of | 23-Feb-2013 | 0

Are the US and the UK free countries? Can there be true freedom if too much wealth (including land) is allowed to accumulate in too few hands? Imagine 100 households living on 500 acres. Read more

How to make a 7-course meal for 12 people for free

Scarlett Penn of WWOOF UK | 09-Feb-2013 | 0

Recently some friends and I were served a sumptuous seven-course meal with a twist: every single ingredient came from the bin of a top-end retailer. Well, everything apart from the road-kill rabbit spotted on the way home. Read more

Who says green/spiritual/progressive ideas aren’t represented in the mainstream?

Dave Darby of | 04-Feb-2013 | 0

When we complain that green/spiritual/progressive ideas are not represented in the mainstream, let me tell you about the Jonathan Ross show on Saturday night (and you can’t get any more mainstream than that – it’s the epicentre of mainstream). Read more

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