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10/2012 posts

Can multinational corporations ever be green?

Dave Darby of | 28-Oct-2012 | 0

This is my response to a marketing lady I met at the Royal Festival Hall last week, who will remain anonymous (unless you want to reveal yourself). You are very intelligent, and you care – our target audience, in other words. Read more

How to build a DIY thermal store

A thermal store is used to solve the following problem: you have a wood stove, but in the mornings, by the time you’ve lit it, and the place gets a bit warmer, you’ve left the house. Read more

Norfolk Solar’s van is powered by the sun

Lee Rose of Solar Hot Water | 05-Oct-2012 | 10

Anyone who knows me will tell you I am a person whose private life is smothered by my work. I work in the renewable energy industry – more specifically, I’m a solar energy specialist. Read more

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