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  • Recycling, reusing & repairing - introduction

     Recycling, reusing & repairing representative image
    “God help anyone who disobeys my recycling system.” – Linda Evangelista
    Topic introduction coming soon.

    The views expressed here are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's

    1 Comment

    • 1homeminderuk December 20th, 2017

      Appalled at the sight of all those used plastic flossers littering the pavements (why do people DO that?), I put my money where my mouth was & ordered a pack (£10+gasp) of 30 bio-degradable, charcoal-infused, mint-flavoured flossers.

      All I can say for the experience of using them is…a great idea awfully executed.

      It felt as if I was using a piece of darning thread in my mouth, certainly not the dental grade, flat tape I had expected.

      The pack blurb ‘..planet-loving….offers significant health benefits…’ – I certainly didn’t find them tooth loving as I had to extract bits of thread caught between my teeth…ugggh! Never again.

      Anyone want to buy 29 bio-degradable, charcoal-infused……………?

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