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  • how to grow marjoram
  • How to grow marjoram

    Thanks to John Harrison of Allotment & Gardens

    All varieties of Marjoram are oreganos. The marjoram’s which are available in the UK are generally tender varieties and should be treated as annuals. Plants that are described as oregano have a stronger flavour and are grown as perennials.

    As well as being grown for its aromatic leaves Marjoram is a good plant for Bees who love the pink and white flowers. It is suitable for pot-growing on the windowsill.

    Varieties of Marjoram

    Several varieties are available from seed and plant suppliers, particularly those specializing in herbs . The three main varieties are – Wild Marjoram, Sweet Marjoram (Oreganum majorana) and Pot marjoram (Oreganum onites).

    Pests and Problems with Marjoram

    Marjoram is generally a trouble free herb to grow.

    Sowing & Growing Marjoram

    Marjoram is best treated as an annual and grown from seed.

    Sow seeds shallowly in a small pot from March to July .

    To retain humidity and encourage germination cover the top of the pot with a plastic bag and secure with a rubber band.

    Germination can take up to three weeks but once the seedlings are large enough to handle, pot on into 8 cm (3 inch) pots using ordinary multi-purpose compost. Once established they can then be planted in a sunny spot in the border or a 30 cm (12 inch) pot.

    Harvesting Marjoram

    Pick the leaves as and when required. Regular picking will encourage new growth and stop the plant from flowering and going to seed .

    Eating & Storing Marjoram

    Marjoram is best used fresh but can also be stored in the fridge, frozen or dried.

    It is commonly used in tomato/pasta/pizza/sausage recipes. It adds flavour to rice and vegetable dishes or you can use it in a stuffing.

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