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  • how to grow chicory
  • How to grow chicory

    Thanks to John Harrison of Allotment & Gardens

    Chicory is frequently used in an autumn or winter salad. It is an acquired taste; some people find it refreshingly tart, others find it too bitter.

    There are two main types: forcing (more popular and are said to taste better), and non-forcing (do not require blanching and are therefore easier to grow).

    Recommended Varieties of Chicory

    • Witloof F1 is the standard green variety for forcing (sometimes called Belgian or Brussels Chicory)
    • Palla Rossa is a non-hardy variety which turns red as the temperature drops and which can either be forced or non-forced

    Pests and Problems of Chicory

    • Slugs and snails
    • Cutworms can occasionally cause a problem

    Sowing & Growing Chicory

    • Chicory needs a sunny site
    • Rake a general-purpose fertiliser into the seed bed a few days before sowing
    • Forcing varieties: sow very thinly, at a depth of 2-3 cm, in rows 30 cm apart, in May-July. When plants are becoming established, thin to 30cm apart.
    • Non-forcing varieties: as for forcing varieties, but sow in May-June and thin to 15cm apart.
    • Forced varieties of chicory can also be grown in deep pots with drainage holes (do not make holes in the lid).

    Harvesting, Eating & Storing Chicory

    • Approximate time from sowing to harvesting = 18-30 weeks
    • Non-forcing varieties: harvest on demand during November – December. They will store for a short while in a dark, cool (but frost-free) place.
    • Forcing varieties: lift the roots in November, and select plants with undamaged, unforked roots with a diameter of 2-5 cm across the top. Cut the foliage back to within 2.5cm of the top of the root, and trim the length of the root back to 15-20cm. Store horizontally in damp sand in e.g. a cool shed.

    When ready to produce the new young shoots to eat (these are called chicons), place up to 5 roots in a pot of 25cm diameter filled with damp multi-purpose compost, leaving the crowns just visible above the soil. Cover to exclude light (e.g. another pot with drainage holes covered) and grow on in warmth at a temperature of at least 10-13°C. A chicon should grow from each root within a few weeks.

    • Not suitable for cooking or freezing.

    Additional Information

    • To force chicory outdoors, cover the trimmed roots with soil 20cm deep. Cover with cloches, straw or similar, and the chicons should appear in early spring.

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