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  • how to grow celeriac
  • How to grow celeriac

    Thanks to John Harrison of Allotment & Gardens

    Celeriac, a close relative to celery, is making a comeback with it’s very tasty root that is a wonderful addition to soups, stews, and raw in salads. And unlike celery, celeriac roots can be stored up to six months in proper conditions.

    It is not as fussy a crop to grow as some believe it to be but it does not grow well in containers.

    Celeriac Pests and Problems

    Slugs can be a problem in the early stages, but as the plant matures slugs are less of a problem.

    Carrot fly can be a problem for celeriac as can celery fly so netting is advised.

    Celeriac plantings must also follow plant rotation and not grow in the same area two or more years running. If you provide adequate calcium and consistent moisture, most disease problems don’t appear.

    Sowing and Growing Celeriac

    Start seeds in March, two per pot, preferably in biodegradeable pots that can be planted out. If both seeds germinate, remove the weaker seedling. Celeriac seeds need light to germinate so cover with no more than 1/8 inch of soil, keep the soil moist, and in a warm area, about 70-75F (20-21C). Once the seeds germinate, lower temperature to about 60-70F (16-20C).

    Hardening off the seedlings is recommended by reducing water and gradual exposure to direct sunlight. This should be done in late May thereabouts when temperatures are consistently warmer. If the outdoor temperature goes under 55F for ten days or more, the plants will bolt (go to seed).

    Celeriac needs a manure-rich, fertile bed with good drainage in a sunny spot. Plant it out in late May to mid-June, spacing them 6-12 inches (15-30 cm) apart in rows 18 inches (45 cm) apart.

    As the celeriac grows, continually remove the top shoots to leave about 3-5 stalks. This encourages bulb growth. Keep weed-free and water regularly

    Earth up in September.

    Recommended Variety of Celeriac


    Monarch is an excellent, high quality variety which has very smooth, easily washable, creamy coloured roots. Maturing time approximately 30 weeks from sowing. Easier to grow than celery and can be grated raw over salads, cut into slices and boiled, or into strips which are fried.

    Harvesting, Eating and Storing Celeriac

    • Can be harvested in November when the roots are around 10–12 cm (4½ inches) in diameter. Leave about 2 inches (5cm) of stalk on the root for storage.
    • Celeriac is more flavourful after the first light frost, but must be harvested before a hard freeze
    • They can be left in the ground until required, or stored in the same way as carrots and parsnips with near freezing temperatures and high humidity.
    • Celeriac can be grated raw over salads, cut into slices and boiled, or into strips which are fried.
    • Also known as Turnip Rooted Celery, it will add a delicious tangy taste to soups and stews

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