Yurts / gers - links

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Building a Mongolian Yurt (pdf) 26-page pdf document on building a yurt
The Construction of a Yurt detailed description
Guardian OK, not exactly a yurt, but a family who left the rat race to live in a tent.
The Freedom of a Yurt article about living in a yurt
Handmade Matt blog by someone living in a yurt in the UK
Instructables slide-show on building a yurt
The Karakalpak Yurt really beautiful and incredible resource
Living in the Round another interesting blog about yurt living
Medieval Pavillion Resources lots (and lots and lots!) of articles on ancient tents, including yurts
Mongolian Artisans’ Aid Foundation Mongolian site – info and beautiful pictures
Mujaan film on Mongolian life, including ger-making
Simply Differently yurt / ger notes – huge resource
Scribd How to build a Mongolian Yurt download article
Wikipedia entry for yurt
Woodland Yurts fantastic resource – including videos of putting up yurts, and free downloads
YouTube time-lapse video of a yurt being erected
Yurtinfo.org resource for all things yurt-related

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