Working horses - links

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Animal Traction Development information site about animal traction for developing countries
British Festival of the Working Horse annual festival
British Horse Loggers find horse logging contractors
British Horse Loggers Charitable Trust to promote and maintain the standards of the craft of horse logging for the public benefit
Carthorse Machinery site with interesting horse machinery designs
FECTU European Draught Horse Federation
Festival of the Heavy Horse annual festival in Northumberland
Heavy Horse Supplies based in Scotland
Heavy Horses Online for lovers of all breeds of heavy horse; lots of useful info
Horseboating Society ‘to promote horseboating and to preserve the heritage and skills of this once common form of transport’
Horses in Organic Farming article from the FECTU website
Modern Horse-Drawn Equipment listings of interesting horse-drawn kit
The Working Horse Trust safeguarding the future of heavy working horse breeds


Ardennes horse Wikipedia entry
Ardennes Horse Society of Great Britain encouraging the breeding and use of Ardennes horses
Clydesdale horse Wikipedia entry
Clydesdale Horse Society they’re mad about Clydesdales
Dales pony Wikipedia entry
Dales Pony Society promoting Dales ponies
Fell pony Wikipedia entry
Fell Pony Society fostering and maintaining the Fell pony breed
Haflinger Wikipedia entry
Haflinger Society of Great Britain promoting the Haflinger horse in the UK
Irish Draught horse Wikipedia entry
Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) promoting Irish Draught horses
Percheron Wikipedia entry
British Percheron Horse Society promoting and protecting the Percheron horse
Suffolk Punch Wikipedia entry
Suffolk Horse Society publishes the stud book, promotes Suffolk Punch horses
Suffolk Punch Trust colony of stud horses in Suffolk
Shire horse Wikipedia entry
Shire Horse Society charity dedicated to the protection, promotion and improvement of the Shire horse

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