Wood stoves - links

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HETAS trade body for solid fuel domestic heating appliances, fuels and services
National Association of Chimney Sweeps info plus lists of UK chimney sweeps
Solid Fuel Association encouraging greater awareness of the benefits of domestic solid fuel heating; unfortunately includes coal
Stove Industry Alliance mission: to promote and explain the benefits and environmental advantages of stoves as heating appliances.


Alliance for Green Heat chronology of the use of wood for heating; a bit US-centric, but fascinating
Building a Wood Stove – part 1 video on how to build a wood stove from bits of scrap metal, by the author of Heating with Wood
Building a Wood Stove – part 2 and part 2
Defra smoke control areas in the UK
Gr8 Fires lots of useful blog articles for wood stove owners
Logpile information; plus database of UK wood (and kindling) suppliers
Office of Public Sector Information the Clean Air Act 1993
Planning Portal building Regulations covering combustion and heat-producing appliances
Salvo try this site for second-hand stoves
Stove Help & Advice lots of FAQs on Stoves Online’s website
What Stove personal reviews of just about every brand of wood stove – by users of those stoves
Wikipedia entry for wood-burning stove
Wood Heat US non-commercial site with lots of information about all aspects of wood burning

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