Wildlife gardening - links

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Wildflower seeds, bird boxes and other wildlife garden products & services

Suppliers and Sources of British Wild Flora actually, this is all you need when it comes to native plants and seeds – it’s a directory of UK suppliers on the Floralocale site
Emorsgate Wild Seeds specialist growers of British wild flower and wild grass seeds
The English Cottage Garden Nursery suppliers of native plants, plus good information
The Go Wild Gardening Company Wildlife gardeners, Oxfordshire
Habitat Aid Trees, plants, seeds and tools for wildlife gardeners
Haith’s feeders for birds, butterflies and more, plus wildflower seeds and plugs
Perennial Garden Solutions green garden services, Manchester
Wiggly Wigglers lots of wildlife gardening stuff, including hedgehog houses
The Wild Store wildlife gardening products


Bioimages this site will blow you away – photographic identification of (it seems) every living plant and animal in the UK
Botanical Society of the British Isles database with information on all native plant species of the UK and Ireland
British Garden Birds identify birds, plus you can listen to their songs / calls
British Wildlife info on British wildlife
British Trust for Ornithology join in volunteer garden bird surveys
Buglife the Invertebrate Conservation Trust – preserving little creatures
BUGS scientific papers on biodiversity in urban gardens
Butterfly Conservation membership organisation working to preserve butterflies and moths; annual garden butterfly survey
Floralocale charity encouraging the planting of native wild plants instead of the exotic garden varieties usually found
Froglife charity committed to the conservation of amphibians and reptiles
Garden Bird Watch a page of links for people interested in birdwatching in their gardens
Growing Native information on growing native trees and flowers
Jenny Steel information, courses, wildflower seeds
Natural Gardens top 10 principles for wildlife gardening
Treadlight wildlife garden design, construction, consultancy, Oxfordshire
UK Moths identify British moths
Wild About Gardens informative site set up by the Wildlife Trust and the RHS
Wildfile page with links to every site you could ever need concerning wildlife
Wildlife Gardener interesting articles

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