Wild mushrooms - links

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Foraging & identification

Association of British Fungus Groups (ABFG) – lots of info on foraging; plus an identification service

Code of Conduct (pdf) – code of conduct for wild mushroom pickers

Field Studies Council – fungus identification courses around the country

Fungi Images on the Net – huge bank of images of fungi

Fungi to Be With – forays and walks in and around London

Mushroom Expert – really good way of identifying species, via a descriptive key based on observable features rather than taxonomy

Mycokey – large identification site for fungi

Roger’s Mushrooms – probably the best (i.e. easiest to use) wild mushroom identification site

Sciencing – how to identify poisonous mushrooms

Wild Harvest Mushroom Identification – our friend Clifford of Wild Harvest explains the value of a range of wild mushrooms in this video

Local foraging groups

ABFG – list of UK groups, but you have to contact ABFG for details

British Mycological Society – local recording groups

Fungus.org.uk – list of UK groups

Northern Ireland Fungus Group – links to British fungus groups on their website

Cooking with wild mushrooms

BBC Good Food – wild mushroom recipes

BBC Recipes – more recipes

The Mushroom Man – wild mushroom recipes

Mushroom Table – this is just general recipes – click on the recipes tab for specific mushroom recipes

Hub Pages – wild mushroom recipes

Steve Brill – recipes plus info on cooking wild mushrooms

Wild Mushroom Recipes – lots of recipes

Other stuff

Big Hairy Index: Mycology – truly enormous list of websites dealing with mycology (the study of fungi); seems like they list every relevant site on the internet – but lots of links are now broken

British Mycological Society – working to promote and conserve field mycology

Patient UK – information on mushroom poisoning

The Shroomery – demystifying magic mushrooms

TED – Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world

Wild Mushrooms Online – foragers’ club

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