Wild food - links

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Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland lots of info on wild plants and identification
Celtnet Recipes over 500 wild food recipes
Eat Weeds blog, videos, podcast and more on wild food
Galloway Wild Foods blog, guides and recipes
MCQ Bushcraft channel with clear videos on bushcraft and wild food
Natures Secret Larder blog and resources
Oxford Wild Food Map map of wild food in Oxford
Paul Kirtley’s Blog articles on wild food and foraging
Reforesting Scotland forest harvest: non-timber forest products in Scotland
Taste the Wild recipes and blog
The Land Magazine article: has foraging gone too far?
Wild Edible US-based foraging site with good information on safety
Wild Food School free urban foraging guide
Wild Food UK channel with many wild food and poisonous plant identification videos
WildfoodUK recipes and guides for hedgerow and mushrooms
Woodland Trust responsible foraging guide and seasonal blog
Woodland Trust guide to some common poisonous plants

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